in #poem7 years ago



Once again the time has come
The marching band to bang the drum.
The razzle dazzle of the show.
The excitement does begin to grow.

Inside the gates, lets start the day.
Some prized pink pigs roll in the hay.
The stables where the horses neigh.
And prized big hens their eggs do lay.
Showgirls, Veggies, Homemade fudge,
The contests will be hard to judge.




Sideshow alley, you challenged me?
How did I miss?, this just can't be!
I wandered along, a clown sees me,
Some juggling he provides with glee.




The rides ahead - now this looks fun.
Up into the sky above the trees.
I close my eyes until we're done.
Those people look as small as fleas.





At last the food - I'm starving now.
Decisions – yes - but I don't know how.
My favourite show food to devour.
My cravings had grown each passing hour.
Some hot chips or a dagwood dog,
Nowhere to sit? - just use that log.
There's cotton candy to top it off.
You cannot miss out, so fluffy and soft.
A showbag - great! Is one enough?
They all come with exciting stuff.
We'll get two, no three, for sure.
Now we can't carry anymore!




The day soon ends and the sun does set.
The music plays on, and the crowd forget,
About their worries, for as just yet,
The best part of the show we get.
The loud explosions echo out,
The colours burst and upwards spout.
A magical display of fireworks rains from the sky,
Twinkling forever more in our minds eye.
This marks the shows end for this year.
But next year will come soon, don't fear.


Poem by Sourcherry
Photographs from Pixabay


Wonderful poem, and pictures combined.
Well done, your fellow poet friend.

So colorfull, so energetic! Poem brought smile on my face.

Beautiful celebration of joy, games and fun it is!


Thank you. I'm glad it made you smile.

Excelentes fotos, siempre me ha llamado la atención el toque misterioso que siempre acaban teniendo las fotografías de parques de diversiones.!

This is great!



This is brilliant, bright, and a total joy,
Dagwood dogs i can eat, at least five, seven will destroy.
I grew a pumpkin that big, couldn't eat it would make me sick,
So I let my pig miss sour,eat the whole thing and devour.
Had a winning horse too, only he would kick,
Loves any award, but to hang on his neck you have to be quick.
This story, with all its glory makes me want to go,
to the next fair ground show.

Thank you. It's great the show comes every year. Always creates wonderful memories since childhood.

Your poetry is so good, you take me on a journey with every one.

Nice post

the great post ,good, hey, plz everybody vote

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