in #poem6 years ago


As I walk along the shore
I wonder to myself
What’s out there to explore?
Just off the continental shelf.


The ocean is full of treasure
Creatures both great and small
To admire them gives us pleasure
Lets start with a coral atoll.


Hundreds of species of fish
With colours ever so bright
As beautiful as you could wish
Never fail to delight.




The corals, the starfish and shells
Of the reef’s beauty tells
The seahorse, the crab and the shark
Complete the under water park.




A reef is forever changing
It’s creatures always exchanging
Yes here is a great spot to dive
To witness the oceans’ beauty alive.



Another majestic sea creature
A wonderful rather large feature
Is the endangered Blue Whale
Who doesn’t fit on the scale.
He measures in meters thirty,
Each flipper about three or four.
His kindly nature leaves us -
Wishing that there were more.


While all of these things bring us joy
Mankind can tend to destroy.
So now is the time to act.
To educate man with fact.
Our oceans to protect.
To show them the proper respect.
For if this we neglect
We will suffer the dire effect.



Poem by Sourcherry
Photographs from Pixabay


Yes indeed. Oceans are treasure so we must protect it at all cost because it seems the world is slowly dying because or our own deeds. The last photo is perfect just to say :)

Great work, vivid photography selections! I help a group and poetry is an area we would like some help if your interested in answering questions, helping new Steemians and making friends let me know.

Nothing excites me more than a work of art with a social significance. That is truly art!

Thank you. I appreciate your comment.

your poem and pictures take me to a place,
when ever Im swimming that's all I can taste, is salt glorious salt, that refines my face.
Its a world of worlds waiting to be discovered,
an underwater marvel to share with each other.

Thats are really amazing!

To show them the proper respect.
For if this we neglect
We will suffer the dire effect.

Great poetry nice work

Truly amazing.... And to think that there are still creatures in the depths that are undiscovered. Your pictures brought the words to life. Man's needs to learn to live in harmony with nature... Not forgetting the pollution of the ocean, with plastic waste and oil.

Thanks alot for this. Well written.

Thank you. There is still so much more to explore. The oceans truly are amazing.

what kind of atmospheric beauty!

Hi Sourcherry! Thank you for your input! I wish you much success and happiness in life!

This is such a great poem. It highlights what a treasure our oceans really are and how we should care for it and the beautiful creatures that live in it.

Thanks. We do need to care for our oceans and creation.

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