The Eavesdropping
Even the walls have ears.
Even though they are nonliving.
Even though spying is allowed .
As long as no secret remains secret forever.
I stopped to peep and listen strangers.
This gradually became my habit.
I often find myself listening to discussion
Which am not a party to.
On the bus, school ,market, church.
I hear words, stories that find their
Ways to my ear as if they have no
Annoying gossip that I became.
I sometimes count how many times.
I laugh at peoples jokes or the stupid
I call it passing out time.
You do it too I know because
We hear weird things we wished
Not to and make eye contacts
And laugh.
While eavesdropping?
The eleventh hour crept up on me.
Reminding me of checking up “A dreamer
who is eavesdropping” It called out to me .
So I stay at the wall avoiding eye contact.
Staying where I belong.
Always starring at my feet
And popping music into my ear.
To keep me away from eavesdropping.
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