Self-love poem

in #poem7 months ago

In the mirror's gaze, behold your grace,
embrace the soul the soul that fills the space.
With every flaw a story is told, each perfection
a tale is bold.
Love yourself, in every hue, In light and dark,
embrace what's true. For in your essence beauty
lies, A beacon bright beneath the skies.
Through highs and lows, you journey on, In
self-love's arms you are reborn.
No need for validation's gaze,
For in the heart the truth ablaze.
So stand tall, in your own light a masterpiece,
both day and night. In self-love's embrace,
you'll find the greatest love, your soul defined.

In the quiet chambers of your heart's embrace
find solace in the beauty of your own grace.
Let kindness bloom within your gentle care,
And self-love's song a melody rare.
Embrace your scars, each tale they tell,
For they're the marks where resilience dwells.
In every flaw, find strength anew, for they're
the echoes of all you've been through.
Cherish the whispers of your inner voice,
A beacon guiding you through every choice.
In loving arms your spirit takes flight embracing all that makes your soul

So dance beneath the moon's soft glow, and let
self-love's gentle currents flow.
For in your heart, a treasure's found a love eternal, forever
In the mirror's gaze, find your best friend, A reflection
of love, without an end.
Embrace the flaws, each curve and line,
For their uniqueness, your beauty shines.
Hold your gently, with tender care, for it's the
wellspring of all that's rare.
Nurture your soul with kindness's embrace
and let self-love be your sacred space.
In every breath, feel your worth, A treasure
found upon this earth.
you're enough, just as you are, A
shining light, a guiding star.

So Love yourself, without restraint,
In every moment, let it paint.
For in your love, you'll find the key, To unlock
the joy of being free.
In the quiet depths of your own soul,
Find love that makes your spirit whole.
Embrace yourself with tender grace, In
your presence, find a sacred place.
Let every breath be a reminder dear,
That self-love's embrace is always near.
Cherish the beauty in every part, For
within you beats a loving heart.
In moments of doubt, let kindness reign,
And gentle whispers drown out pain.
You are enough a masterpiece crafted
from stardust and stuff.

So hold yourself in love's warm glow, Let
self compassion gently flow.
In your own arms, find sanctuary, for
self-love is the purest form of victory.
In the silence of your soul, hear this rhyme,
A tale pf self-love, lasting through time.
Embrace, wild and free for in your being
beauty you'll see.
Love yourself as the stars love the night,
Unconditionally with all your might.
In every flaw find a story to tell for
they're the marks where resilience dwells.
Hold your heart gently with tender care,
For it's the treasure that's always there.
Let self-love flow like a gentle stream,
Nourishing your spirit like a dream.
In your own embrace, find solace sweet
a sanctuary where doubts retreat.
You are enough, just as you are, A
masterpiece beneath the sky's bright

So love yourself deeply, every part,
For in self-love lies the purest art.
Embrace your journey, embrace your truth,
And let self-love be your eternal youth.
So cherish every breath you take,
And in your own reflection, make
a vow to love yourself each day.
For in your love, you'll find your way.

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