I'll Be Gone (An Original Poem)

in #poem7 years ago

I'll Be Gone


I will wait,
Until you see and understand
What you are doing to me
At a glance
You can't tell
But if you look deeper
You will see everything,
Eyes are the windows to the soul,
And mine are sliding glass doors.
It's like you don't care
You probably don't
So just watch me burn,
Not putting the fire out.
The flames grow,
And I disappear

IMG_8492101516c8cd.png gBa9RVc5d77b.png 3Ql9WMr![fun-937106_640.jpg](https://steemitimages.com/DQmUpb7wgd4rfSnkF7G3Tyf7FCj1wScZTNGjwqx7EF1t2o5/fun-937106_640.jpg)6bb62.png IMG_84932f1397d8cf.png IMG_8491cc014837bc.png

Thanks for lovely picture, Pixabay

Thanks for all support, Follow me @mindfreak



nice poem, would have been nicer if it had a couple of more verses

Thanks @darkerhorse
Great to see your opinion, will work on it.
The idea behind to keep this poem short is, make the point of the poem clearer.

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