Do I Belong?

in #poem7 years ago

Do I Belong?


I'm not like the people
you normally see in the
halls. I'm not the one who
has the most friends or
that is popular. I'm not
the one who has had a
good past.
I'm the one who has
learnt to hide away who
I really am.

I'm not always easy seeing
other people being able to
show their true feelings.
It's also not easy seeing a
smiling on their face, when
I don't even remember
the last time I truly

It's hard being an outcast
Everyone else who has
been here for such a long
time seems to be friends
and know how it really is
around here.
I, on the other hand,
don't really know the
ways here. But, when I try
to do something a
different way, or just try
to be myself, I get judged.

Fitting in is probably the
hardest thing for a lot of
people to do. Some kids
try to do whatever they
can do to fit in. Others
just look art what the
others do, see if they can
try it, attempt to fit in,
and try and make a
friend. Sometimes it
works, other times it

But am I really that

There are many
similarities in everyone.
But, the differences are
what set us apart.

There are so many labels
everywhere you go.
There are groups.
and we also have our cliques.

Finding out how to
belong to one of those is
hard. Belonging in
general in hard. Some
people don't even
understand the meaning
of belonging.

But I think it's time some
things change,
so everyone can feel like
they have a meaning.

No more labels, groups
or cliques.
Everyone can belong.

And as a whole, we can
make sure everyone feels
like they matter.

IMG_8492101516c8cd.png gBa9RVc5d77b.png 3Ql9WMr![fun-937106_640.jpg]( IMG_84932f1397d8cf.png IMG_8491cc014837bc.png

Thanks for lovely picture, Pixabay

Thanks for all support, Follow me @mindfreak


This was a lovely poem, thank you for sharing. (^v^)

AND you have some cool stuff in your profile. Followed you mate.

Thank you, I appreciated it. :)

I am glad you liked it :)
Thank you so much

Well said. Everyone has meaning and our differences make us unique!

True. I am glad you liked it.
And I love what your bio says, "If you can laugh at it, you can live through it!"

Thank you! My life motto! :)

loved your posts too. Congrats on 200 followers!

Thanks a ton. 😊

Heard to portray how you feel, especially to strangers... thanks for sharing your thoughts! Hopefully the categorisation of people will subdued one day and everyone as you say can feel a sense of belonging more so

I love what you post man! followed and yes all the best for your project!

Thanks a lot!! :) What else would you like to see me write about??

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