An Ode to Sol “The Sun” The majestic center of our existence that we should be in awe of.

in #poem7 years ago


Among your peers you are just one of many. On the Milky Way’s Orion arm you travel through the galaxy through space and time. Accompanied by billions of your colleagues like a school of Herring in the north Atlantic, you fly along your orbital plane
To them you are one of many, just another young star not even 5…billion years old by some estimates. But to us plants and animals here on Earth you are known as “The Sun”. Your seemingly infinite source of energy warms our planet and gives the gift of light. Through photosynthesis your radiation gives life to just about every living thing on Earth. Birds, fish and every other animal have developed migration patterns based on our position to you.

We all reach to you for more of your life giving energy, some even travel’ far distances to be where you touch us mostly.
You are God’s most precious gift to all life on Earth. You are the majestic center of our existence that we should be in awe of.

Like a mother who holds her child close to her bosom, your gravitational force keeps us close to your life giving warmth on your journey through space In latin you are known as “Sol” from which the term solar system is derived. Your Solstice determines our seasons. You carry 9 planets each with a varying numbers of moons, an asteroid belt, and other numerous forms of matter yet you still comprise 99.9 percent of all substance in our solar system.

Your power and reach is so vast that your nearest neighbor had to be 8.6 light years away to co-exist. To get a perspective of just how far away that is, a single light year is just under 6 trillion miles in length. You are the majestic center of our existence that we should be in awe of.

Since the dawn of mans short existence we have tried to understand you. Throughout history, civilizations have formulated hundreds of theories as to your origin, yet we still know very little about you. Some have worshiped you as a deity or other supernatural phenomenon. You are topic of Myths and legend. Many religions have formed contrary definitions as to your purpose. Man has found great utility in your existence.

Your 24 hour cycle is so precise that we have been able to develop calendars and clocks to tell time.
Farmers have planned seeding and harvest times by your circuit. Man has used you to push political agendas
Wars have been waged and men have died in your honor. Battles have been fought using your power as a weapon or for element of surprise through blinding, or in the night due to your absence. Man has feasted in abundance on a good harvest, and have starved by the plague of drought. The power or your light is so brilliant we cannot even look directly at you with our naked eyes. Yet some men believe that you can be conquered, and that they can gain dominance over you.

Man has tried to harness your power for the benefit of some and to the detriment of others, but you have no concern or bias as to what goes on in our insignificant little world. Whether rich or poor, young or old, black or white your radiance reaches us all equally. You have been here long before our existence and will continue to be here long after our demise. For us you are the center of the universe, without you we would not exist.

You are God’s greatest gift to us

You are the majestic center of our existence that we should be in awe of

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