Where Do We Go From Here? Contributed by @Olawalium

in #poem6 years ago


Now tell us, where do we go from here?
Everyone keeps pointing us there
But who will lead the way to the where?
Because all our talks lead us nowhere
Taking the first step might lead us somewhere

Whatever happened to the world?
Where is the main essence of our existence?
Where is the care, where is the love?
We are all eaten up by our selfishness
Everyone tends to be minding their own business

Many are filled with bitterness in this world
So many abuses and harsh words they hurled
Most people exposing their inner battles
But all we really need is love to go round
Where do we really go from here when we already know love is what we need?


If we care enough and share enough
The world will really have just enough
The world has enough of our need
But never enough for our greed
For each other,​ our hearts should always bleed

Sometimes we don’t want to take the needed step
Most of us just look unbothered and shy away from responsibilities
Even when we know we need to look within to unveil our abilities
We have been used to pain and now we need some love stabilities
We are the system, not the government with her facilities

Let us all love with great humility
Let this be our sole and general responsibility
We can do things better with a little more civility
We are all social being with some level of sensibility
Stop judging, spread love with every sense of accountability.


Where do we go from here? Each man consumed in their own struggles and rightly so. The world has been used to so much pain, so much that a little bit of love becomes way more obvious. Love should be our language. This should be the reason why we live. When we care and love enough, going extra length wouldn’t be an issue for one another.

Where do we go from here, seeing how things have turned? How do we go from here as things took an unfortunate turn of event from what life is meant to be? If love is the answer, then why do we keep pointing the way to it and not leading it?

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


Beautiful! Until we return to our source which is love, I don't see our world becoming better.

If you find it so difficult to love others, it shows you don't love yourself at all.

Remember the measure of love required from you to your neighbors is the same amount you have for yourself.

love your neighbor as yourself

If you don't love yourself, you can't love others.

Love don't point to what to do, love go ahead and do it.

Love make things happen and that is why it is love.

Why all the fights, battles and problems in the world today, it's because their is no love.

When love is lost, there come the need for law. If their is love, law will be so useless because their won't be any law breaker.

A little spark of love can set the whole community of hatred ablaze, that's how powerful love is.

Let's go for love and do away with what separates us.

See others as you see yourself, make happen for others what you will like to make happen for yourself.

Thanks @olawalium and @communitycoin

Thank you so much for this. Love is the way forward.

The practical love and not the spoken love.... Lol

Our feet are ready to go anywhere, exposing all the beauty of the earth we want to conquer. Our legs are able to move toward anything, looking for roads that have never been passed before.

Perhaps it is natural, humans have been curious to kill them as soon as possible. Earth that is so broad, can ditapaki only based on a deep sense of curiosity.

Kristoffer Columbus did not find the Americas, but he managed to kill his curiosity, I think. How wide the earth, every gap will be found human. No wonder, later we will picnic into outer space, not like a weekend walk with the family.

Soon there will be 'earths' other than earth for humans, which they may live in for a long time.

Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, or in the not-distant future, humans will stroll in the diversity of the Amazon Jungle during the day, and in the evening camp at the South Pole gaze at the aurora's beauty until tired eyes to praise.

Will you spend the day walking with me? Stepping everywhere, uncovering all the curiosity of the new place, exposing all the beauty that is in it.

No matter the day the sun stung and our bodies smelled rancid, our sweat streaming, tired we persuaded us to surrender.

This poem is really powerful, one step at time lead to success.
The first step is decisive, and every step we make afterwards will lead us to the place where we want to be. We can make all our dreams and desire a reality, one step at a time.

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." - Robert Collier

The key to achieving our goals lies in the small steps we make each day. The amounts of steps we will have to take in order to achieve our goal will depend in the magnitude of our goal. The problem is that sometimes our dreams and goals are so big that is easy to get overwhelmed with all the things we have to do in order to achieve them, and it is in that moment when we give up.

If most people fail to achieve their goals is not because life is unfair and only benefits a few, but they fail because they have refused to take the necessary steps in order to reach their goals. The difference between those who are successful and those who are not is not luck but commitment. It is true that for some people things are easier than for others, but that can’t be used as excuse for giving up, instead it can be used as motivation to keep moving forward, one step at a time.

The more we become aware of our inner lives, is the easier it is to see where unhealthy beliefs and actions might be limiting us. Noticing and then accepting those parts of ourselves that are wreaking havoc and that require us to change calls for self-compassion, or treating oneself with kindness and understanding.
Once we accept what needs changing, then we can start the process of transformatio

Thanks for sharing @olawalium

Once we treat our own self with kindness, it would naturally flow to others. We need to spread more love, the world has been used to so much pain. Thanks bro

Once we treat our own self with kindness, it would naturally flow to others. We need to spread more love, the world has been used to so much pain. Thanks bro

Yes the world has enough of our needs but our greedy won't won't make the needs enough, love is now what we run for rather than rush into

We shall all go somewhere, we all have replacements, the cheaters, killers got where to land and the helpers also do

The book writers , religion ministers have tried their best in preaching to change to a better one but human being is the hardest thing to change so keep doing what you know how to but watch your ways if what you have been doing favour you or your neighbours

Human mind is actually very hard to change. In fact it is hard to change anyone, it only take a self realization from that person. The first step to recovery is to admit that something is wrong. A little kindness goes a long way.

Such a beautiful poem. It got me thinking " where do I go from here?". I think we need to be more loving, caring, responsible, and accountable for the decisions we make hence forth. Thanks for sharing.

Absolutely. We need to be more kind, more tender, and more understanding. Thanks a lot bro.

Really very interesting poem and the title of ,Where do we go from here, I thought alot of things in my mind, well thanks for sharing this beautful poem with us.

I am glad it got you thinking. Thanks a lot for this.

Photoshot and poem two are awesome...Thank you excellent share.

This still hits me hard....tears hard. Thanks for your thoughtful post @communitycoin and @Olawalium!

Thanks you so much for your appreciation. Glad you found it thoughtful. Gracias bro

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