Life Is Sad Sometimes, Contributed by @Olawalium

in #poem6 years ago


Life is hard and sad sometimes
Misery loves company most times
Everyone moves around looking for happiness
Life has become a race for many people
Everyone keeps looking for whom to topple
You see a lot of people put another down
They do it without batting an eye and with a frown
We are all kings and queens with our crown
There is no need to strive and put down another
The world is full of evil already why be another?


I see the way unhappy people try to spread it
If they are not happy why should another be?
They go in search of making it spread around
I wonder how they end up sleeping at night so sound
Their heart of love they have held bound
I wonder how they found themselves in such a state
How they degenerated to allowing hate grow so deep
It is hard to understand even if you go in search with a jeep
I really find it hard to wrap my head around it
We are to spread love and our brother's field to keep


A little love is enough to heal the world
We need not love alone but build the capacity
If only we could allow ourselves to feel
But most of the times we always take to our heel
Our feet are quick to the place where evil is being perpetrated
Gossip does​ more harm than those with a knife
It hurts a lot to see people go around just to hurt another
Life would be better off with a bit more care
Life would be better with a better perspective
Life would be better when you decide you want it to be.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


Thanks so much for the poem. Love, life and human.

Human beings are always in search of power and control. They tend to do everything in their power to get what they want. They pulled down others so they can get their, they damages so many lives in order to makes their own a better one.

Only in love and armony we can all enjoy the life. And whatever we do that brings smile to other people's face is what what doing.

We can make life easier and world a better place to live if we show love to people around us. Let have a positive impact In our society.

Thanks for sharing @communitycoin and @olawalium

Perfect. You have nailed it brilliantly. Thanks as always brother.

You are welcome anytime...

This poem isn't so good but this summary and it's lesson so genius ----

This poem isn't so good but this summary and it's lesson so genius ----

Really!! @obedite13. So what is the importance of what you read or listen to that add no value to your life. Since you read it through and you discovered that the lesson in it is genius, then is alright.

This are the things we were encountering everyday of our lives and this kind of post can bring about changes in the society.

Hahahaha this is an example of the people talked about in the post. This person must be bitter about something and intend to spread it to others. You see? Well...he got the wrong person because i don't crack!.

Hahahaha I just realized he or she is new to steemit and just want to have that attention. He definitely got the wrong person...

Absolutely. The user is new and i think he would soon understand making seven posts a day for the past 8 months isn't a joke. Reality will set it.

Thanks for sticking by brother. You are really amazing.

That's a huge record bro. I'm very sure few people can achieve that. That's definitely not a joke

Hahahahaa. That's more than enough for me and i look forward to seeing the hard work you are willing to put up here.

I don't crack.

Life is a moving speed in this dynamic life, love is the main thing, because of love, a person can understand the love of another man's love.It is possible to organize a work in the world through love. The most important thing is to heal a sick person. The neighbor's love is more than any other treatment. The man of his love is special here.Money exchange is available only at any thing or at hand only one thing is not available and it is good.

Life is like a wheel, there are times where you are at the top and enjoying everything. There is also a period in which you will admit that you will not know where to go.

Sometimes there is a sense of disappointment, hurt and air that drips on the problems present in life. Sometimes there is a sense of despair to know why God is doing this cruel thing. Sometimes there is a desire to confess life, sometimes you can not even feel again what is good and right, because everything looks blurry.

But you know, God will not give trial beyond his limits. If you are feeling very shattered like a broken glass, there will be times when you are thankful for everything that has happened.

Sometimes, when happy is around you, you forget to produce love for God. While in the moment that really sinks, when you need others but you can avoid you, when the world does not stop glowing, it is at this point that you will realize that God is always there for you.

God will be your last head. As you moisten your cheeks, you will find there is a healthy touch that embraces your heart. At a time like diabetes, you realize there is a God who is always looking after you.

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