Bania Rhyme Poem - Choose Yourself

in #poem7 years ago

Today, I'm going to choose myself
Tomorrow, I'm going to examine myself
Like I look in the mirror daily to check myself
Not again will anyone change my kind of person to their self

I can only become the best version of me
Improve on the person inside of me
Even though he wants; but I can't be like him
I choose this and it means I'm choosing to be me

No more will anyone tell me what to do
No boss anywhere will instruct me to undo
That which means a lot to me is what I'm doing
Many people criticize, but it won't make me dull

If I succeed, it's because I choose to
If I fail, the reason will be the same
If I work smarter, the world will notice
Everyone will celebrate because I've practiced.

Choosing myself is the best thing I believe and
Mastering this belief is the best thing I have achieved


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Well done. Very inspiring!

Welcome and thanks man

I love me,
I choose to love me,
if I don't love me, nobody will.

Awesome poem bro, very inspiring

Welcome bro, thanks for reading and stopping by

Excelente post bania. Nosotros somos quienes decidimos y elegimos nuestro destino. Esa es la actitud. "Hacer bien al prójimo y a nosotros mismos. Tomar decisiones y aprender de ellas es importantisimo en nuestras vidas"

I can only become the best version of me

My one drive to keep pushing forward.. To achieve the things u desire and admire, then we must pursue it diligently.

Life is our choices

Great add up man, thanks for reading and stopping by

Nice work bro...its inspirational 👏👍
From now henceforth #IChooseMySelf

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