in #poem6 years ago


Good day steemians.
Using your time wisely is very necessary if you want to achieve your goals quickly.

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Here is a little way to decide whether what you are doing presently is a good use of your time.

Just ask yourself:

“Does this move me toward the achievement of one of
my goals?”

If the activity helps you to achieve a goal you have set for yourself, it is a good use of time, if it doesn’t, it is a poor use of time.

When you get into the habit of only doing those things that move you toward your goals, your life will take off.

Your results will improve, you will soon find yourself busy every hour of the day doing things that are helping you in some ways. You will have no time left to spend on activities that aren’t helping you to achieve one of your goals.

When you set clear goals for yourself, and you know exactly what you want, you will become increasingly impatient with activities that are not helping you in some ways. You will move far away from what you are not benefiting from and move closer to what's giving you joy, if any at all. You will become far more selective with your friends and your social media activities. You will spend time only with what you enjoy most, what you can learn and benefit from.

As the old saying goes:

“Time is money"

Use your time wisely.




Everyone is guilty to some degree of gluttony. When eating our favourite foods, we tell ourselves 'Just a little more', before we know it, that little more becomes a whole lot more. Then guilt sets in and we berate ourselves. Some even go as far as punishing themselves with hunger strikes to loose the extra pounds.

Surprisingly, it isn't just about what we eat but also how we eat it.

Asides the guilt complex, Overindulging in food results in a whole lot of things such as
high cholesterol, depression and mood swings, weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure e.t.c It is therefore of utmost importance that we control our food intake.


       *Tips on mastering your intake*

WATER….The importance of water to human health and body can never be overemphasized. Water satisfies thirst, aids digestion, flushes out toxins e.t.c. In curbing appetite, water plays a vital role.

Drinking a big glass of water some ten minutes before meals go a long way in suppressing hunger, making you feel full and consequently, makes you eat less. Drink water whenever you feel hunger pangs.


BALANCED DIET…make sure your meals are balanced with the various classes of food,(protein, carbohydrates,fats and oil, mineral salt, vitamins) and pay attention to the types of protein, fats e.t.c used.

Lean protein, unsaturated fats and foods with high fiber contents should make up a larger portion.

CONCENTRATE WHILST EATING… many atimes we multitask while eating. we chat, play, watch television, work e.t.c without paying attention to the amount of food we consume. When eating, pay attention to your food and do away with all forms of distraction,(move away from your TV set or phone, take lunch breaks instead of eating at your desk) that way you can notice when your belly is full and stop.

EAT SLOWLY…. when we rush our meals, we tend to overeat before we realize we're filled up.

Taking time to eat and enjoy our food let's us know the exact moment we become full.


CHEW GUM….. surprised? I bet you are. However Research has shown that chewing gum helps control appetite. A research carried out by the university of Rhode island found that people who chew gum for one hour in the morning consumed 67% fewer calories at lunch. So when next you feel those cravings, pop a sugarless gum in your mouth.

HEALTHY SNACKS…. For those who like to snack in between meals, it wouldn't be a bad idea if your snacks were foods/fruits rich in fiber and unsaturated fats as they aid digestion and increase metabolism. Go for foods like, Almonds, apples, oatmeal, unsalted peanuts, fruits, eggs, nuts, avocado, e.t.c just ensure you pick right.


BRUSH YOUR TEETH…. Brushing your teeth especially with mint flavoured paste leaves a freshness and coolness that contribute to the feeling of being full.


As much as the points listed above aid in curbing appetite, the most important of all is selfdiscipline as without self discipline and control, all others are void. Be disciplined


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Note that our writers get part of SBD payouts on each post made for the blog.


I really appreciate the privilege given to me @diana01... stay tune for another impressive content from me.


Indeed... Thanks for reading

nice post you just drop, thanks for you wonderful poem

I can discipline myself on anything except food ☺.. I just don't know how to do it. 😂

@rejoiceavl, realising you need to discipline yourself on food is the first success. Then you consider the benefits against the risk of not trying. Begin to try... Start... Just start

Thanks, I have gotten the 1st success since, e remain the 2nd, I will start,thanks for the motivation

Lol...that used to be a big deal for me...however determination helps a lot.... Just do it!💪

I know right?? Just do it!

This is great and lovely words, learnt a lot here. Thanks

Boo of life... thanks for your comment.

You're welcome dear

Hmmmm, "boo of life". @princeola don't tell me you are the guy behind the mask ooo. Let me come and be going.

Lmao 😂 😂, see this guy.

I'm glad you did... Thanks for taking out time to read

You're welcome brotherly, will be expecting more from you.

Lol.... I'm actually a sisterly bro😂
......thanks all the same

Lmao!, okay noted ma'am.

I think am guilty of alot of this bad habits especially eating fast! Thanks for sharing a! More enlightened now

You're welcome.... and I hope you also enlighten your friends about these.

You nailed it all as with no self discipline, nothing can be achieved

Really appreciate your comment.

True...and that, I believe is the reason behind overindulgence which so many of us are very guilty of......Thanks for pointing that out

Nice write, i learnt a lot about self discipline. Thanks .

You're welcome.....Happy you learnt something

You caught me there with some of those habits. Well written and articulate. Well done.

Thanks dear.....and remember, habits can be changed

Everytime I chew gum, my tummy feels empty and start to crave food. Guess it's not applicable to me hahahaha.

"I'm a newbie and I make poetry and stuff in English and Tagalog. I would really appreciate it if you give me a time and visit and read my crafts. Thanks :)"

Lol... I think the theory behind chewing gum is that it tricks our brain into believing we're eating something ...... and I guess you can't be hungry whilst eating😀

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