Path of Exile - Incursion Competition Day 2

in #poecomp6 years ago


The Temple

The core of this league's mechanic is the temple, in which my marauder died on day 1. I was quite a bit more hesitant with my witch, but the first thing I did on day 2 was go to the temple, as I should have been significantly over-leveled for it by now. Sure enough, my minions were plowing through all the little mobs and even the architects stood little chance against them. 7 zombies and 8 skeletons pack quite a punch. I made my way all the way through the rooms I'd unlocked and even found an explosive gel to blow open a doorway, which I used to get to the arena.

At the top of the temple in his arena is the omnitect, He seems to be a large round mechanism that floats in the centre of the arena and activates different traps, or summons minions. I don't know what else he does because between the zombies, my fireballs, and the vaal skeleton army of about 18 various skellies, he went down a short battle.

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A good omnitect is a dead omnitect, and a reasonable loot pile

Next on my agenda for the day was finishing act 3, and that means Dominus. Last competition I didn't risk taking him on, and when I did after the competition, I died horribly. This time around, with my minions I felt invincible so pushed on through the scepter of the gods to the rooftop he resides on and had possibly the easiest battle against him I've ever had. It was over in possibly less than a minute, I didn't need any heal flasks, and I hardly fired my fireball even as my swarm of minions devoured his preceding lieutenants, and then overwhelmed Dominus himself. Onwards and upwards for the summoner!

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And my first ever witch kill of Dominus. Slowly getting one of each class past him.

Feeling good, and feeling powerful is a recipe for disaster, but I kept playing and opened up the mines and went through a few levels of them, adding a stone golem to my minion army. The normal mobs were still just falling away as I walked through the zones, and it felt like nothing could stand in our way

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My regular set of minions. Skeletons are absent as they run on a timer, so get summoned in battle/before battle

After getting to the waypoint where you split into the three paths, I paused briefly but then decided I was going to keep going. Push onwards and make my witch harder to catch. I went for Koam first, and the lead in zone was a lot easier than it has been in my past, though I did have a couple of points where I turned and ran to re-summon my minions in safety. Even the area with lots of fire shooting towers wasn't a huge issue like it normally is. I was aware that I was needing to heal more often, and I needed to re-summon the zombies, which I'd not had to do in quite a long time, but I decided to finish off Koam while I was there. Entered his arena, summoned my skeleton army, stepped left instead of right, and dead. No chance to run. No chance to heal. Just dead because I stepped in front of the wrong volcano.

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It was all over in seconds, and my minions had still taken a noticeable amount of health off the boss. If only I'd stepped right, I might have worked out the dodges I needed to avoid the volcano busts

So I took a break. I came back and made a new witch, same as the first. I decided to grind some low level incursions to get an early temple to play in. Well, the grinding part worked well, and I created a nice temple with no incursions after the ledge.

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This is the temple incursion display, and also the map of the temple you'll eventually play in

I thought level 12 would be enough to take the temple. I leveled up just after going in, but with the increased mob sizes, I stepped through a doorway in front of one or 2 mobs of ranged minions and that was that. dead at level 13. Time for a real break, I went off and did some other things for a few hours.

Eventually I came back and started again, still witch. Still summoner, but a bit more cautious than the second witch I haven't entered the temple itself yet, though I did grind out the low level incursions to build it. I'm looking at going in around level 15 to 17.

Today's plan

Well, keep on leveling and get as high as I can. Don't die. They're about my only goals, though it would be nice to get past Dominus again

A Footer - Ratticus Upgoats Transparent Background.png
Upgoats made by the talented @ryivhnn


Dude. That's heartbreaking. Still, making it to Kaom on a single life.
You gotta be proud of that.
Would you have ever tried if it wasn't for the comp?

Yeah, was pretty happy with where I'd gotten to, but very disappointed in how easily the death happened.

As a bit of an achievement whore, I'd more than likely had a few goes at it, but probably not as seriously as I've been since the start of last season

Aww man that no fun going down like that. When it comes to going down one of the two paths it is easy to become under leveled. Both Kaom’s Stronghold and the other side The Grand Arena have a waypoint at the start of the zone. When I get to one of them I like to portal back to The Crystal Veins and go down the other path. This allows me more time to get another level.

Oh I'll often port back to town and run the mines again to make sure I grind at least 1 more level, and usually 2.

Running the other side is probably also a good plan to grind a bit more also

I find Kaom and Daresso to be equally troublesome, but the lead up to Daresso is heaps easier.

Yeah, the bosses are certainly both painful, but I do think Koam is tougher. And has the tougher lead in too. Really I don't know why I went for Koam first in hindsight...

I've put in some hours farming Daresso, so he's pretty predictable now, which helps. I just like the layout. The fighting pits through to the arenas, then the boss fight at the end.
If you have decent footspeed he's not too difficult.

I've certainly noticed how good it is having some extra speed is. Seem to always have a quicksilver flask, but just got some boots with a boost on them (forget the name, but unique I'm currently wearing)

Was just talking to @gorc about this, he got quite excited discussing the witch he was playing and all the things he could do with it. I finally have money for hard drives (which we both need badly!) so he might join in on the next one :)


I hope that there is success with acquiring the HDDs and that he can join in the fun. If there is some winning then that's awesome too, but it's more about having fun playing

Devastating loss on Kaom, damn.. Just like mine yesterday, I started crushing content with my scion at lvl 49, then I went for Avarius who just one shoted me due to my bad positioning with one of his OP moves. And the run ends just like that. Still after I've seen @beercake take scion I knew it was all over for my hopes and dreams to get that prize :)

haha, yeah @beercake is pretty tough to take on head to head like that. I took witch because there weren't any when I'd checked. Seems that half the field have one now! Not to wish harm on them, but I look forward to their tales of death

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