They've gone further in two days than I've managed in six months. Insane.

in #poecomp7 years ago (edited)

We're off to a blistering start. The leaderboard as it stands;

@beercake - Path of Exile Account
Dominating the comp with a Lvl 74, two handed duelist/slayer.

@gamingchimp - Path of Exile Account
A close second, with a dual wielding lvl 67 Slayer. Leap slam, sunder and Ancestral protector.

@cipriang - Path of Exile Account
The human blender with a sharp hula hoop, and a chaos/slowing totem helping his shadow to Lvl 48.

@holoz0r - Path of Exile Account
Getting percussive with a hammer and a club. Lots of red gems, very well supported. Lvl 47. I want his belt.

@enjar - Path of Exile Account
An icecasting lvl 45 shadow with frost bomb to strip their defenses and freezing pulse to shatter what's left.

@cryptosenpai - Path of Exile Account
The life of the party, with a Lvl 33 Shadow casting chaos curses, draining essences and spreading despair.

@alannapendragon - Path of Exile Account
Rocking a lvl 31 ranger, doing fire and lightning damage, summoning artillery and raising hell.

@buggedout - Path of Exile Account
Doing every kind of damage type, across multiple archer attack skills, currently lvl 22.

@ratticus - Path of Exile Account
A lvl 21 ranger, with fire, poison and a big ol' siege ballista.

@moon32walker - Path of Exile Account
A fire and Ice lvl 18 templar. Love a flame totem, it's the gift that keeps on giving.

@samueldouglas - Path of Exile Account
With a ground slamming, heavy striking lvl 6 Marauder.

@jimmybreeze - Path of Exile Account
Giving everyone else a headstart, for dramatic effect.

@o07life - Path of Exile Account
Also yet to field a character.

I'm seeing a lot of Sundering Marauders, so let's take a look at the Sunder skill.

Beercake has used support gems to make it hit harder and faster, while Gamingchimp has made it narrower, stronger and firing 3 times in a row, and holoz0r has added life leech and bleed, so his red line goes up as theirs goes down.

That's the real joy of this game. They have the same skill but they've done very different things with it, and their choices of gear and on the skill tree diversify those results further.

I've never taken a hardcore character beyond lvl 55, so I've been blindsided by some of the rapid progress I've seen in this race. It's still anyone's to win, though.

The bestiary mechanics look really cool. I've taken a new witch out for a run (interesting to note no witches in the race as yet) and the depth of crafting/collecting options is an exciting, and welcome addition.

No glorious deaths posted yet, but the race is young, and the night is dark; and full of terrors.

Official countdown to the end of the race - Here

Travel far.


Ahhhh!! It's tougher than I've Imagined. I love it.

I've been streaming all of my progress so far, same as @Holoz0r. Just now jumping into Day#3 Leveling grind. xD

I've been really happy with the level of engagement and enthusiasm I'm seeing.
Seriously contemplating running a new race at the start of each new league.

Make sure you use #poecomp as one of your first five tags so it comes up in this topic, or we may miss when you're streaming.

Some of the beasts are ridiculous. Calmly grinding with no problems and then all of a sudden a frenzied, immortal goat jumps on you with a 10 line list of minion mods. :D

giphy-downsized-large (5).gif

The most fun thing so far was that my Lunaris fight in A8 had a double-buffed beast which gave her more damage. She hit me with one of the barrages, it probably even critted me and I had like 200 hp remaining from the 3200 I had. If I didn't use a lot mitigation I could've died twice by that one attack, lol. This league is pretty hardcore, to be honest, I feel like this is the most challenging one so far. The monsters are just pretty insane, most double-buffed ones are harder than act bosses if the mods are difficult, lol.

Lots of fun and heart pumping so far!

I already love hardcore for the intensity; but hardcore racing against a small group of others for prize money and bragging rights... that's gotta really grab you by the nuts :)

Hey great post! But I'm not going as maurader :D I'm going as 2h Duelist slayer. Right now I'm just grinding to get ready for Kitava so I can go into maps. No idea how will that go.

There are a dozen people hoping it'll go poorly :)
I'm not across the ascendancy classes.
Assumed Slayer was one of the options for Marauders; I've corrected it now, cheers.
Best of luck, mate.

I can feel a glorious death coming on, but I'm not recording. Perhaps I will just weave it into a glorious tale :)

I agree with @ratticus it is quite stunning to realise just how outclassed I am here. I'm still a newb at PoE so I don't stand a chance, but it is fun trying to compete regardless.

Thanks again for putting up the prizes and pulling it together!

No worries; thanks for engaging.

I'm seriously impressed by just how outclassed I seem to be in this, but there's still a few days to die in

Looks like alot of fun is going in path of exile :)

Giving everyone else a headstart, for dramatic effect.

Ha ha, that's totally it. It's not me, but that's what I'd do. ;)

Good luck!

Its not everybody's cup of coffee. Its more complicated than you think.. Your hardwork has really not been wasted.

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