Writing a Book? 3 Things Nobody Told You – Love Your Work, Episode 122

in #podcast6 years ago

three things book writing

I’ve written a couple of books now, and the process is nothing at all like I expected it would be. I think misconceptions about how to write a book prevent many people from writing their books. Just imagine all of the unwritten books that are locked up inside of people around the world because of these misconceptions.

So in this week’s essay, I share what I wish I had known about writing a book.

By the way, I have a “short read” about how to write a book. It’s called How to Write a Book. It’s on Kindle, paperback, and it’s now on Audible! So if you enjoy this essay, check out that short read. It takes less than an hour to read so it won’t get in the way of you writing your book.

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Theme music: Dorena “At Sea”, from the album About Everything And More. By Arrangement with Deep Elm Records. Listen on Spotify »

The post Writing a Book? 3 Things Nobody Told You – Love Your Work, Episode 122 appeared first on kadavy.net.

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