Find Your Calling. (SPECIAL 100th episode!!) – Love Your Work, Episode 100

in #podcast7 years ago

find your calling

For this very special 100th episode of Love Your Work: How do you find your calling? I’ve been trying to get to the bottom of this over the past two years, and I think it boils down to a three-step formula that I’ll present in this special episode.

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Theme music: Dorena “At Sea”, from the album About Everything And More. By Arrangement with Deep Elm Records. Listen on Spotify »


To find your calling, you need to discover what it is you want to pursue. Usually, it seems, you don’t just wake up one day and know what it is you want to do. It can come from different sources.

  • Don’t let your dreams hold you back. Let them evolve. (Listen to Peter Bragiel‘s episode)
  • Don’t let the expectations of others drown out your inner voice. (Listen to Jason Fried‘s episode)
  • Turn your weaknesses into a superpower. (Listen to Maneesh Sethi‘s episode)


If you’re going to find your calling, you need to decide to pursue it. The chance of success needs to be more compelling than the alternatives.

  • Bounce back from rock-bottom. (Listen to Elise Bauer‘s episode)
  • Put the risk in perspective. (Listen to Laura Roeder‘s episode)
  • Make measured changes. (Listen to Jeff Goins‘s episode)


Once you’ve discovered your calling, and you’ve decided you’re going to pursue it, you have to actually do it. But how do you break through all of the fear and distractions to make it happen.

  • Make the most of your best mental energy. (Listen to Dan Ariely‘s episode)
  • Scale back your goals. (Listen to Seth Godin‘s episode)
  • Have a clear picture of success. (Listen to Tucker Max‘s episode)
  • Just do it. That’s how you get things done. (Listen to Jame Altucher‘s episode)

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