Eclipses & UFO's (Darkening of the Sun Festival Recap) InnerVerse 3.15

in #podcast7 years ago (edited)
The total solar eclipse was truly a magnificent sight, and the Darkening of the Sun festival near St. Louis, Missouri where I witnessed the celestial event, was a wonder-filled love-bonanza and I am extremely grateful for all the friends and family who attended and made the event as special as it was. In this episode I speak to a few friends during the festival about some weird stuff, like UFO sightings. In fact, I had a sighting myself, the story of which is also in this episode. The latter parts of the episode feature a great conversation about "The Great Work" of consciousness evolution with my buddy Nathan from Nathan's Freedom Zone, followed by a rare solo speech by me at the end where I speak about my thoughts regarding the event, the eclipse, and the awakening of unconditional love in the collective human heart.

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And here's an image of the chemtrail plane that I witnessed flying in front of the total eclipse...It would be neat if it wasn't evil, ha!

Thanks for listening! Let's Stay Connected!



We would love to have you on steem magick if youd like! we sure like talking about this stuff

That sounds cool! I will have to make a note of that. Thanks for the invite!

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