115 - Brandon Arnold | The Third Eye Hustle - How To Stay Inspired (Jewelry Crafter & Festival Live Painter)

in #podcast6 years ago

Master the Now & Seize The Sychronicity

Transcendental tinkerer and artist-of-all-trades Brandon Arnold joins the show to talk about doing what he loves, which is creating all kinds of magical artifacts and psychedelic paintings. Check out Third Eye Jewelry online to see wonderful wizard tools and fashionable festie fabrications, including super-sweet steampunk sunglasses and copper-plated honeycombs. Brandon is a great example of what being constantly inspired looks like, and in this episode he helps us define the meaning of being a full-time artist.

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Things we talked about... (More at innerversepodcast.com/season-4/brandon-arnold-third-eye-jewelry)

  • Harnessing the power of crystals with wearable art
  • How a relaxed back symbolizes creative freedom
  • Getting hooked on music festival culture
  • Feeling the call to become an artist
  • Zen and the art of paintballing
  • Learning to seize the moment
  • Life as a full-time artist
  • Doing what you love, not what makes the most money
  • Disappearing object phenomenon and super charged crystals
  • Painting on stage with Alex & Alison Grey
  • Using intuition to know what crystals are best for you
  • Infusing intention into art to bring good things to the life of the receiver


Only In The Plus+ Extension (Subscribe!)

  • A cool synchronicity with Brandon that led him to be on the show
  • Mental tools to stay grounded and how black tourmaline can help
  • The excitement when a creation finds its perfect owner
  • The importance of putting proper value on your art
  • A positive perspective about money
  • Staying stoked about life and the opportunities that flow
  • Learning by asking yourself how your inner and outer experiences relate
  • What its like to be constantly inspired, even in dreams
  • The possibility that stress from not living your intended life may suppress your dreams
  • "I get excited about what I do every day--that's the most powerful way to manifest."
  • Diversifying your artistic outlets and how eclectic interests can converge as your unique combination of creative skills
  • Getting literate with symbols to be empowered by them instead of manipulated

Episode Music: Drumspyder

Balanced & Harmonious Vibrations!

With <3,


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