Podcast Episode 390 The Beginning of The End

in #podcast7 years ago


In Part One of The End, Ben and Ki begin to cover the topics of the last Bad Quaker podcast. Click here for the MP3 file, or click here for the original page from February 9, 2015

The bad audio is brought to you by a combination of a pretty Apple computer combined with the magic of Skype. In other words, overpriced crappy hardware and over-engineered spyware…er..software.


For more articles and podcasts on liberty, the zero-aggression principle, and property rights, go to badquaker.com, and thank you for listening.


dude, great podcast.... but who are you talking about? it makes me crazy not to know, who you mean! I have to know, who of these guys are "literally enemies" of liberty within the liberty movement.

Ha! Remember, the admin on this account is not actually Ben Stone. Since this is old news, I think it's OK to reveal who was discussed at the start.

Brad Spangler and Chris Cantwell both used to produce "liberty media." Brad used to post some occasionally intellectually dishonest and sometimes creepy stuff, and then posted a confession to molesting a child shortly before this podcast was originally recorded. Chris used to post some good stuff mixed with stuff of dubious moral value, then started pushing for indiscriminate violence against anyone connected with government and went full-on alt-right racist.

People like this are dangerous as aboveground activists for liberty, and utterly destructive in the underground. We must disassociate ourselves from such people, because they are cancerous. They cannot help us win hearts and minds through reason and action. They stab us in the back if we are not careful, and can be used by the State to cast us all in a bad light if we do not take the right course of action beforehand.

well, thanks for the info. I was thinking of chris cantwell all the time listening to this podcast. I don't know Brad, but Chris alone seemed very intellectually dishonest, already. Makes me don't even wanting to look up Brad.

As for Chris' call to violence against the state was somewhat tolerable in some aspects, especially with his follow ups on "I really ment something else", his alt-right shit was utterly cancerous indeed. It is a shame that so many libertarians and ancaps mixed themselves together with this "alt-right" ideology. completely undermining any principles and also denying the underlying racism, while boasting about white/anglo-saxon/european supremacy. Completely misrepresenting Hoppe's work in order to make it look libertarian, was also a pretty fundamentalist and destructive move. not to mention all the trolling inside the communities.

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