How To Go Batsh!t Insane

in #podcast8 years ago (edited)

Psychopharmaceuticals, Logic, and Being Seen

In today's podcast @churdtzu and I discuss how an abnormal psychological state can spiral into self-destructive behavior as well as the importance of both logic and psychotherapy in gaining control over your mental state.

Disclaimer: Neither Kurt nor I are licensed or certified medical professionals and nothing we say should be interpreted as medical advice


Don't Believe Us About The Power of Alienation?

Check this article out - Social Death Penalty: Why Being Ostracized Hurts Even More Than Bullying

And this one: Psychology Today - The Thing We Fear More Than Death

Do We See Reality As It Is?

Matthew Silver Farts

The person in the thumbnail is a street performer named Matthew Silver. The reason I am using him as the image for this post is because while the vast overwhelming majority of people look at him and see him as insane, he is clearly not. He is not homeless and he does gigs which necessarily means he schedules performances, shows up, performs, and gets paid.

Insanity As Performance Art

What is brilliant about his performance art is that he leverages the fact that people see him as insane to his advantage. "Acting crazy" is, in fact, a very effective way of getting attention. While people in the midst of downward spirals do not have the ability or desire to leverage this effect for their own benefit, Silver uses this reality to promote his message. Don't believe me? Check out his official facebook page and see for yourself


Another great installment in this series. I'm craving the next one already and I just finished this one. I wanted to add something about what @churdtzu said in the video about psychotherapy. He mention the ability to speak freely and without judgement in the presence of the psychotherapist. I went through some difficult episodes myself, and I didn't find psychotherapists to be particularly helpful in that way. Either I'm more sensitive in noticing the judgmental reactions of people, or I see them when they aren't there, but I didn't feel exactly safe to express myself fully to the therapists I saw. I also sensed that they were leading the conversation based on their own biases rather than actually listening to my experience.

Something that did give me the therapeutic effects you describe was what they call vipassana meditation, which in other words means "thought watching" meditation. I'm sure you're familiar @churdtzu, but for the benefit of others, I'll continue. Essentially it's a meditative technique that sort of teases repressed thoughts out into conscious awareness by doing exactly as you described that psychotherapy can benefit; by viewing the thoughts without passing immediate judgement. Between this technique and the application of logical thinking, I was able to "fix" my mental state and move on with my life. In other words, I was able to become comfortable enough with my own thoughts that I could think rationally and deliberately about them.

The subconscious is an incredibly powerful part of the human mind. When it is somehow repressed, it tends to manifest itself in some very scary ways. That's my unexpert opinion anyway.

Glad you liked it. Unfortunately I have a cold this week and I haven't been able to edit any more together :( But more coming soon

It's likely that people who end up on the street lack family or friends to support them. That or they resisted help (through no fault of their own). Sometimes we can't or don't know how to help people, especially if they are resistent and it becomes non-consensual. It's a very difficult line.

Social stigma is more damaging than any adverse conditions we can experience.

Thanks for these videos and sharing your experience. It takes bravery to speak of experiences with unusual mental states. That is the only way to break the stigma!

I've been piece by piece working on a post about some other aspects ('symptoms') of mental health problems that are overlooked (socially moreso than medically), which are relative to why there are some people who need medications more than others. There are issues adversely affecting day to day living when the more extreme symptoms have subsided. Sometimes thats worse than the temporary states of mania, delusion, etc.

lol @TedCult there area some great speakers as well as charlatans on ted talks. they dont always discriminate. I heard tickets cost a lotta $

Adventures in VO: "A Talk About TED" by Mike Rowe on being a Ted presenter (damn funny)

This guy is so good and most definitely on to something bigger with his performances. Good to bring this up.

♡♡♡♡♡ Great video!

great video congratulations

I loved that last video back when I saw it and I love it today, even more now that you've told me he's an entertainer. Gold!

Well that's my theory :)

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