
Im offering services and giveaways for my pocket so im only selling small 1SBD amounts for now so people can get a few pocket tokens to have, hold, and play with. Feel free to post here. Search classifieds tag and pocket tag. Ive seen larger sales there.

okay i would offer 1 sbd for 50k pockets if you don't mind

Cant go that cheap. 15k for 1SBD.
Thats about the going rate. Im looking for cheap pocket as well. Just like everyone else it seems. If thats to expensive join some contests. Or do a service. Got any talents? Create a post offering your service for 100k pocket....

okay that would do lets see how things go

Send your 1SBD to @pocketbook
And once confirmed ill send the 15k Pocket

Hello, can I send you 1SBD for 25k pocket ? @pocketbook

Sorry. I paid 1.25 for 25k earlier

Ok so 1.6SBD for 25k ?

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