in #pocket-change6 years ago (edited)

A One Dollar U.S. Coin will remain a One Dollar U.S. Coin, but it will have the same "Spending Power" as the One Hundred Dollar, Federal Reserve Note it Replaces...

Call it the Key to the Biggest Transfer of Wealth, the World has ever seen...

What we actually want to do, is to Remove and Replace the Banking System as we know it...

Perhaps it will become the Physical Coinage Banking System...

There may be many of you , who would prefer to call it the Pocket Change Banking System, or the "PCBS" for short...

The Public's Community Banking System...

You can quit worrying about keeping your money in the Bank...

Your Digital Blips will become U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents, with no loss in "Spending Power"...

If you need to make a Cash Withdrawal, you can make Withdrawals in U.S. Coinage or U.S. Paper Trade Dollars and Paper Cents...

This means your ATM Machines will Continue to Operate by means of U.S. Paper Trade Dollars and Paper Cents...

Naturally, many of you will continue Writing Checks and using your Credit and Debit Cards...

At this Specific Point in Time, I think you're making a big Mistake "spending your money" on Gold and Silver, when you could be Stocking Up on Physical U.S. Coinage...

The Physical U.S. Coinage will buy you 100 Times more Gold and Silver "after" the Reset of our U.S. Monetary System...

Federal Reserve Notes will be as Good as Gold, up until the End of the Redemption Period...

At the End of the Redemption Period, all Federal Reserve Notes will become Void of "any and all" Legal Tender Status...

There will be no Major Disruptions, in your Writing Checks, or using your Credit and Debit Cards...

I'm sure the PLAN calls for a Very Smooth Transition from the "Central Bank Owners" Monetary System into "We the Peoples" Monetary System...

As per Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution, we will need to Reset the Spending Power of all U.S. Coinage along with any and all U.S. Bullion Coinage...

The Reset will not be about the Melt Value of the Coinage, but if you do have Coinage containing Valuable Metals, or Collector Value, there will be a Premium Attached by People in the Know...

I'm sure the PLAN will call for a 100 Fold increase, in the "Spending Power" of all Physical U.S. Coinage...

If you're not holding it, at the Time of the Reset, you don't own it...

If you don't hold it, you don't own it...

We've all heard it before...

Physical U.S. Coinage will be the best way to get your hands on an "equal" amount of U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents..

Holding Bullion Rounds and/or Bars of Precious Metals, will be the same as holding Federal Reserve Note Dollars, after the Reset...

They will not Play an important Part in the Biggest Transfer of Wealth the World has ever seen...

It will take One Hundred Federal Reserve Note Dollars to "obtain" One U.S. Crypto-Dollar...

It will take a One Ounce Round or Bar of Gold to "obtain" Fifteen U.S. Crypto-Dollars...

After the Reset, you can buy or sell a One Ounce Round or Bar of Gold, for about 1,500 Federal Reserve Note Dollars "or" you can buy or sell it for about 15 U.S. Crypto-Dollars...

Remember what I said about Physical U.S. Coinage being able to "obtain" an equal amount of U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents...

There in lies the KEY to the Biggest Transfer of Wealth the World has ever seen...

Federal Reserve Note Dollars, will not "lose" Spending Power and they will not "gain" Spending Power...

Gold, Silver and the other Precious Metals will continue to Fluctuate in Value...

Not in Weight, in Value...

Feel free to Comment or Question any one of my 777 Posts...



To quote you:

The Reset will not be about the Melt Value of the Coinage, but if you do have Coinage containing Valuable Metals, or Collector Value, there will be a Premium Attached by People in the Know...
What can be more valuable but coinage with precious metals of silver, gold. US Constituitonal coins and bullion coins will be of so much more value than any of your clad coins. You realize of course that government bullion coins zre monetized and are legal tender. It is just that they are not being circulated because of the value of the silver an gold. And if there is premium for valuable metals, then silver and gold rounds and bars are a way to go as well!

Everyone wants to return to a Gold Standard, but no one wants to sell their Gold Coins for an equal amount of Clad Coins...

A "One Ounce" Fifty Dollar U.S. Gold piece will sell for "either" 50 Dollars in Physical U.S. Coinage, 50 U.S. Trade Dollars, or 50 U.S. Crypto-Dollars...

If you're holding One Ounce, Generic Bullion Rounds or Bars, the Melt Value will be about 15 Dollars, in any of the above choices...

IN GOD "WE" TRUST THE PLAN... February 2, 2019...

Actually, the Face Value, in addition to the Precious Metal content of U.S. Bullion Coins will be much more Valuable than Generic Rounds or Bars... If I had to decide between the Two, I'd pick the U.S. Bullion Coins, that go as high as One Hundred Dollars in Face Value... Remember... If my Theory is correct, U.S. Coinage will get you an "equal" amount of U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents... A Generic Gold Round or Bar will only get you about 15 U.S. Crypto-Dollars, whereas the 100 Dollar Face Value Gold Bullion Coin will get you 100 U.S. Crypto-Dollars, plus there may also be Premiums attached... To get the Biggest Bang for your Buck, (and for about the same as you'd pay for an Ounce of Gold) you may instead buy 1,500 U.S. Clad Dollars, in any Combination of U.S. Coinage, and "after" the Reset, you'll be able to turn them in for about 1,500 U.S. Crypto-Dollars... Enough to buy you 100 Times more Gold for the same price you are now paying for that One Ounce Generic Bar or Round of Gold... The Key is to have the Clad Coinage before the Reset...

Sale coins, buy silver, I hope you are paying attention to my theory


I just edited this Post if you're still interested...

This post expands a but more- thank you so much!
I hope more people will notice your Theory, to me it's viable- and I have a wild imagination.

Thanks... I think I finally Fine Tuned it as Far as it will go... If people didn't understand it before, I sure hope they understand it now... I think we're getting very close... Naturally, I could be Wrong... I sure hope not...

I believe we are close as well to a major event- everything is in turmoil from social disruptions to the global markets. The central banking system has distorted so much in our society/culture.

I heard some Key Words in the latest X-22 Report... Remove and Replace and Flipping a Switch...

I'll take a look- thank you

lol... I hope you're taking me seriously... I know there are those who mock me...

Still, I am writing, voting, man. What do you think of the Euro, which could go down the drain as well after Deutsche Bank lets collapse the European economy? Every country would go back to its old coins?

I'm not a Big Fan of the EURO... If a person can use his or her EURO'S with a Choice to Purchase "either" U.S. Bullion Coinage, "or" Generic Rounds and Bars of Precious Metals, I'd tell them that I would pick the U.S. Bullion Coinage... If that's not an "option", you'd be better off holding Federal Reserve Notes... The EURO is Controlled by the Central Bank "Owners"... If any of the Countries can Break Free from the Central Bank "Owners" grip, I'd say to "DO IT"...

How Gold will bring down the Central Bank Owners... No one is telling you how Gold will do this... I think I know how... After the Reset of the U.S. Monetary System, it will take an Ounce of .999 Fine Gold to get your hand on about 15 U.S. Crypto-Dollars... Gold will be the same as holding Federal Reserve Note Dollars... It will take 1,500 Federal Reserve Note Dollars to get your hands on 15 U.S. Crypto-Dollars... You're reading it here first... None of the Financial Guru's see this coming... Yes... Everyone will sell their Gold to get their hands on U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents... It's all about "Spending Power"... How long do you think it will take for Gold to reach Fair Market Value in U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents...???

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