in #pocket-change6 years ago (edited)

People keep telling me, our U.S. Coinage has very little Melt Value...

That's great, because we don't want them Melted down...

We need them "as is"...

We made a Big Mistake using Gold and Silver in our Coinage...

We surely won't be making that Mistake again...

Gold and Silver tends to Fluctuate in Value too much to be used as a Monetary Tool to Measure Value...

I say, let Gold and Silver Fluctuate all they want, along with everything else that Fluctuates in Value...

At least with Dollars and Cents, we have something we can use to Measure their Fluctuations in Value...

Our Tool to Measure Value does not need to be "as valuable" as the Object which needs to be Measured...

You can Measure a Million Dollar Strip of Land with a Five Dollar Ruler...

We need to "Stop Thinking" about the Melt Value of our U.S. Coinage...

After all, it's only a Tool to Measure Value...

Same goes with U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Decimal Cents...

I'm not saying there won't be a Cost in "obtaining" U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents...

U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents will cost plenty in Terms of Gold, Silver and Federal Reserve Note Dollars...

I figure, it will cost One Hundred Federal Reserve Note Dollars to "obtain" just One U.S. Crypto-Dollar...

That's right Folks...

One Million Federal Reserve Note Dollars to "obtain" 10,000 U.S. Crypto-Dollars...

U.S. Coinage will be a "Different Story"...

I'm sure, that you will want to "obtain" U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents at the "lowest" possible price...

That's where Common "Clad" U.S. Coinage comes into Play...

You'll be able to turn in your U.S. "Clad" Coinage for an "Equal Amount" of U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents...

I see the Reset of all U.S. Coinage, coming our Way...

Feel free to read my "Last Several Posts"...

Did anything I wrote above, catch your attention...???

I think, we're about to Experience, the Biggest Transfer of Wealth, the World has ever seen...

I think my P.C. Theory holds the KEY to the coming Transfer of Wealth...

The below sentences have been added to this Post, on February 3, 2019...

Everyone wants to return to a Gold Standard, but no one wants to sell their Gold Coins for an equal amount of Clad Coins...

A "One Ounce" Fifty Dollar U.S. Gold piece will sell for "either" 50 Dollars in Physical U.S. Coinage, 50 U.S. Trade Dollars, or 50 U.S. Crypto-Dollars...

If you're holding One Ounce, Generic Bullion Rounds or Bars, the Melt Value will be about 15 Dollars, in any of the above choices...

Feel free to comment or question any of my Posts...



People tend to overlook the Face Value of our U.S. Coinage... They never seem to worry about the Burn Value of Federal Reserve Notes... Most of us in the Gold and Silver Community seem to be more concerned about the Rising Melt Value, measured in Debt Notes... The time is coming when we'll all, finally get what I've been writing about... Too bad many of us won't get it, until after it's too late...

IN GOD "WE" TRUST THE PLAN... February 3, 2019...

Your theory is singing to me- makes me say "YES," ths would work!
Your statement "We won"t be making that Mistake again about gold and silver"- that would indeed cut the chase!

Thanks... I keep Thinking along the same lines...

I suppose, I can also feel Free, to Comment any of my 777 Posts...
I'm going to start searching out and Commenting on some of my own
Posts... The ones that went Unnoticed... I'll now start, Up-Voting
my own Comments too... It's one of my options, to build my
account value to give bigger Up-Votes to Others...

Thank you Tammy... January 27, 2019...

And yes, let Au and At go up and down in value- without any links to a perceived value of commodity: you have a stable monetary system!

If someone wants Gold and Silver, they can buy it at Fair Market Value using their Debit or Credit Cards, denominated in U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents... If they decide to Sell their Gold or Silver, they can do the above in reverse... There will also be the Physical Option, with Coinage or Paper Trade Dollars and Paper Cents...

WOW... It sure is hard to make a Few Cents around here... lol...
Surely this Post is worth more than Three Cents...
I'm sure there are people out there, who would pay Thousands...

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