in #pocket-change6 years ago (edited)

Slot Machine Guy...2.jpg

If you're like most people, you want to have as much "Spending Power" as possible...

I've been known to Search for Bargains...

Everyone wants to get the Biggest Bang for their Buck...

As per my Pocket Change Theory, we need to start "Thinking" about the "Best Way" to "Obtain" the coming U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents...

There are many ways to prepare for what's coming, if only we could see what is heading our way...

Very few people ever see what's coming...

It takes a Wild Imagination to come up with a Monetary System, Reset...

If anyone else is talking about my P.C. Theory, I'd like to know...

I always keep my ears open for Certain Words that I use in my Posts...

I still haven't heard any of the Financial Guru's mention Central Bank "Owners"...

I haven't heard the words "Remove and Replace" when it comes to Federal Reserve Notes...

No one is yet talking about U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Decimal Cents...

How about a New U.S. Trade Dollar and Cents, in Paper Form...???

Do you hear anyone saying the words, "Spending Power"...???

Any way...

As per my Pocket Change Theory, the United States is about to Reset their Monetary System...

The United States will "Remove and Replace" all Federal Reserve Notes, World Wide...

We, the People will not be giving up our World Reserve Currency Status...

It will no longer be forced upon the World, but I think everyone will Open their Arms to it...

In Fact, the World would have "Demanded" that we "Remove and Replace" the Old System...

I like to call it the "Removal and Replacement" of all Federal Reserve Note Dollars...

Let's go WORLD WIDE and "Remove and Replace" all Central Bank Currencies...

As per my Theory, the Plan calls for "No loss in Spending Power"...

Anyone holding Federal Reserve Notes will not lose "Spending Power" because of the Reset...

There will be a Redemption Period to Turn in all Federal Reserve Note Dollars...

Those Federal Reserve Note Dollars not Removed and Replaced by the End of the Redemption Period will lose any and all Legal Tender Status...

This needs to be done, because of all the Federal Reserve Notes destroyed over the years, with us still paying interest on them...

No one knows how many Debt Notes have been destroyed in Fires or Floods...

In order to "Remove and Replace" all Federal Reserve Notes around the World, we must first Reset all U.S. Coinage with a 100 Fold increase the "Spending Power"...

I figure this is "Justified" because of the loss in "Spending Power" experienced by "inflated" Federal Reserve Notes...

I figure there's only about One Per Cent "Spending Power" remaining in all Federal Reserve Note Dollars...

By increasing the "Spending Power" of our U.S. Coinage, we can "Remove and Replace" all Federal Reserve Note Dollars, for One Cent each...

As per Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution, Congress has the Power to Coin Money and regulate the Value thereof...

Those are some pretty Powerful Words in my opinion...

In the case of an Emergency Monetary Break-Down, I'm sure there is an Emergency Executive Order, already Written for our POTUS to sign when the Timing is Right...

My Wild Imagination tells me that the Emergency Executive Order says to Reset all U.S. Coinage, including U.S. Bullion Coinage, with a 100 Fold increase in "Spending Power"...

The Reset is all about the Face Value of our U.S. Coinage, not the Melt Value...

That means a One Cent Coin can buy the same amount of goods as a One Dollar (Bill) Federal Reserve Note...

Three Copper Coated, Zinc Pennies, will Buy You One Pound of Pure Copper, after the Reset...

What a Shot in the Arm that would be for anyone holding Physical U.S. Coinage at the Time of the Reset...

When the Reset happens, it will be as fast as "Flipping a Switch"...

Federal Reserve Notes will either be Spent out of Circulation, or Turned in at the Banks, and be Removed from Circulation...

Every 100 Federal Reserve Note Dollars turned in "or" spent, will be replaced by a U.S. Dollar Coin, a U.S. Crypto-Dollar or a U.S. Paper Trade Dollar...

If you turn in One Federal Reserve Note Dollar, you will receive One Cent, either Physical or U.S. Crypto-Cent deposited to your Bank Account and Debit Card...

We will have the "Option" of using Physical or U.S. Crypto, Dollars and Cents...

Physical Dollars and Cents will not have Physical Decimal Cents, so a Debit Card would be needed for any Decimal Cent amounts...

More and more people are using their "Debit Cards" these days, and should not see any disruption in use...

U.S. Crypto-Dollars will be necessary for Bank Deposits and to continue Writing Checks, or using Credit and Debit Cards...

I don't think we're out to Destroy the Banking System, we just want a Smooth Transition into our own Monetary System...

The Banks will be using Our Monetary System, not that of the Central Bank "Owners" System...

I'm sure most Banks will have plenty of Physical U.S. Coinage on hand, to stay in Business...

I now feel that our Money is Safe in the Banks...

When the Reset of all U.S. Coinage happens, the Banks will "Automatically" reset "their" Federal Reserve System, Digital Blips into "our" New U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Decimal Cent System...

All Rights Retained by, We the People...

Again, there will be no disruptions in the use of Debit or Credit Cards...

The Numbers will "Change" and appear Smaller, but the "Spending Power" will remain...

The Reset will "change" the way we "Measure Value"...

Money is a Tool to measure Value...

If you still have Questions or Improvements to my P.C. Theory, please feel free to comment...



So...Bill Still would agree with you on this Theory. Not sure if he agrees about the revalue of 100x but he would agree with you about a Debt Free U.S. Currency.

Tell Bill the 100 Times is needed to Remove and Replace the Debt Notes...
I'm checking out his Video's now...

He has a couple Documentaries ...Both long.
"The Money Masters"
"The Secret of Oz"
The one I am talking about is: "Bill Still: Pay the debt in quarters?" -AdamVsTheManRT

I found it... Thanks...

I can tell he's not yet aware of my entire Pocket Change Theory, but I have to admit, he's very close... All he needs to do is Reset the Spending Power of the U.S. Coinage instead of Removing and Replacing "one for one"... Then to activate the U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents, and he's there... It's obvious, this Video was made at least a few Years ago... At least he's on the Right Path to Truth... I'm kind of curious to find out where he's at these days...

I'm not sure but I think he has a daily radio show. I'll look into it too.

I bet Bill Stills hasn't yet thought of Paper Trade Dollars and Cents...
Why not have Paper Cents... They'll have the spending power of our current Paper Dollars...

Oh I agree. I just think he is on the same wave length as you. He believes that the coins are the U.S. Govt not the Fed's. This is what he is getting at.

It will be known as the People’s Money...

I just shared Your post with my co-workers, they are intrigued.

I figure there’s very little to lose if I’m Wrong, and a whole lot to gain if I’m Right... I think my Theory has a better chance for success then someone searching through Rolls of Half Dollar Coins, looking for those with Silver content, when all you have to do is hold onto the ones you have, and not worry about the Silver Content or Melt Value...

Something new just came to mind... U.S. Paper Trade Dollars and Cents...
This will give people the "option" of carrying Physical Coinage or Paper Trade Dollars and Paper Cents...
A Paper Trade Dollar will replace the 100 Dollar, Federal Reserve Note... The Paper Cents will replace the smaller Federal Reserve Note "Bills"... The Paper 25 Cent Units of Trade, will be the same as a Physical U.S. Quarter Dollar...

I "edited" one of my Past Posts, instead of making a New Post... I'm thinking Post 777 will be my last, but I'll still answer replies on any one of my 777 Posts... So feel free to go back as far as you like...


Hello there! 777 posts are remarkable with so many twists and angles about your Theory. The US Trade Dollar and cents are outside the country, correct? As per your Theory.

If you stop posting, we will miss you- especially your pirate. I'm limited with steemit now since I lost my main laptop in the fire. I will re-steem these last posts now.

I’ll still be around... I figure 777 Posts are enough to keep everyone busy... You can Comment on any one and I’ll respond...

Will do! Have a good night!

People might like Paper Cents, such as a One, a Five, a Ten, a Quarter-Dollar, a Half Dollar and One Trade Dollar... They could be used all over the World, just like our Current Paper Notes are used... Instead of Paper Federal Reserve Notes, we'll have Paper U.S. Dollars and Cents... Note... They will not go any Higher than One U.S. Trade Dollar... I think People will like Paper U.S. Trade Dollars and Cents... It would have made for a nice Post...

You can still go for the # 778 post. It's interesting about the "paper cents"- it is odd thinking of small amounts in paper terms instead of coins.

The “Spending Power” of the Paper Cents will be the same as the “Paper, Federal Reserve Note Dollars are today...

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