Earth Primes’ Original Mission

Back in time when a race some call the Ancient Builder race came to this part of the Milky Way Galaxy they terra-formed this local star cluster of 53 star systems. That includes the stars and most planetary bodies in the same star systems. Other groups came much later and added some moons to parts of the Sol star system for instance. After the Ancient Builder race (not a name they ever used for themselves) terra-formed this star cluster they stayed on indefinitely as others moved on. This race is part of a soul group that tends to migrate together even when incarnating into human form. Many of these individuals have incarnated as human during their sojourn on Earth Prime. For those who ask, “What happened to these people?” Many of them never left Earth Prime for this has become their proverbial home world.

The Ancient Builder race was still living here in the flesh when the Pleiadians approached them with a proposition. The Pleiadians wished to colonize Earth Prime/Gaia with a unique social experiment in service to others. They envisioned a new human species that would outperform any previous versions of human including themselves. They envisioned these humans would eventually Ascend and become another Guardian race. The original DNA for the current human species came from the Pleiadians. The Ancient Builders agreed and made further changes to the biosphere of what came to be called Gaia. The neohuman experiment commenced with the Pleiadians bioengineering this race. Some Ancient Builders began to incarnate into these new bioforms. The Divinity/Source/God had agreed to this social engineering experiment and decreed that the Ancient Builders may not interfere with this experiment hence forth. The Ancients agreed with one stipulation, they would retain sovereignty over Earth Prime if they agreed to strict adherence to the Prime Directive. The Prime Directive being that an outsider race or technologically advanced race may not interfere or influence an evolving civilization. For instance if a more technologically advanced race came to a world and established themselves as gods/goddesses that would be one example of violating the Prime Directive. The joint Pleiadian and Ancient Builder social engineering experiment began.

Much later other races became aware of the humans on Earth Prime/Gaia due to the local star gate. Some biodiversity experiments commenced that did not involve the native humans. Some races native to Mars interfered with Gaia for her resources not much for the humans until much later. That changed abruptly when the Dracos arrived to colonize Gaia. They began to terra-form Gaia’s biosphere to sustain their bioforms. This was a major violation of the Prime Directive, but the Ancient Builders were spiritually bound not to interfere. Since the Dracos have been warring with other human/humanoid races the Ancients persuaded some of them to interrupt the Dracos bioengineering. A small asteroid was maneuvered to Gaia and launched into the atmosphere ending the Dracos attempt to colonize this world. Later the Martians began to exploit Earth Prime with the decadency of the Dracos. Later, some of the survivors of the Martian exodus eventually ended up marooned on this world. Over the millennia they became the Illuminati (the Illumed Ones) who gathered others of like mind to rule Earth Prime like proverbial gods.

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