Plaza - 1st bCommerce Platform Review

in #plaza6 years ago


As the internet booming hence this is the era of internet, all businesses are growing there root here and, you must know Jeff Bezos CEO of Amazon. Jeff Bezos is world's rank 1 richest person on the basis of Jeff Bezos so you can do a reasonable guess why e-commerce market can grow from $2.29 trillion in 2017 to more than $4 trillion by 2020, likely wise Blockchain adoption also growing. So Plaza developing 1st bCommerce platform by combining eCommerce and Blockchain technology. So here in this article, I will give you a reasonable review why Plaza platform can be the next big eCommerce platform with the power of Blockchain.

At the beginning of the review of Plaza platform let me tell you about the Plaza- This is an internet business commercial center progressively commanded by a couple of tremendous players, Plaza Systems offers buyers a getaway from pointlessly high costs and huge information while giving dealers a blockchain-based trade (bCommerce) stage from which they can jump their rivals. It's Total bCommerce on the blockchain. Court's Freedom Lifestyle suite of hunt and installment instruments are altogether associated by means of clients' multi-crypto PlazaWallets to the cutting edge MerchantChain. The core of Plaza's Total bCommerce arrangement, the MerchantChain is the quickest, most adaptable, and most future-evidence business explicit blockchain on the planet. Any vendor can fabricate decentralized applications over the vendor tie to use its speed and proficiency and to tap it's dedicated and quickly developing Freedom Lifestyle client base.

Goal Of Plaza

Plaza enables to rapidly and helpfully peruse the best shopping arrangements over the entire web, whenever, and from anyplace, The protection, funds, and security of digital currency installments and, The sensible adaptability to appreciate the results of any seller utilizing non-money installment techniques everybody knows about.

Which Problems Plaza Going To Solve?

Currently, both seller and consumer paying a high fee which can be up to 25%, All e-commerce platform's infrastructure cost and shareholder demands growing day by day so they need to be updated their platform's infrastructure for example, servers, information stockrooms, work necessities, land, and publicizing costs are the absolute greatest blocks hence they are growing their charge from seller and buyers and finally, Payment processors add to the expenses of the exchange. So these are the current backlogs of eCommerce but Plaza will enable vendors to sidestep the expenses related with using brought together stages, and in addition, empower them to offer specifically to the shopper and cut out the pointless brokers.

Stucture Of Plaza Platform

Here I will tell you the overview of Plaza platform's structure to know more I suggesting you read the Whitepaper. Plaza bCommerce Protocol having 5 layers i.e Payment processing layer, Public transaction layer, merchantchain layer, Communication layer and, Plaza core layer
Screenshot from 2018-12-25 22-20-54.png

Payment processing layer the standard card processing network where transactions are processed and validated by Plaza payment gateway.

Public Transaction Layer is the means by which the Plaza Ecosystem collaborates with the outside world by means of outsider trades. It uses the Ethereum blockchain, which alongside outsider trades, works freely of the Plaza stage.

MerchantChain has been pressure tried in high-stack situations furthermore, has given important experiences into blockchain usefulness and similarity, with web-based business information gathering and settlement.
MerchantChain Services Blockchain Layer capacities include PL$ coin creation and the board, fiat payment processor reconciliation, Capacity and confirmation of savvy contracts and commercial center related information, Payment door for PlazaCard, and Plaza Lifestyle Rewards supervisor.

Utilizing a different lightweight message layer, all correspondence between biological system members are completely scrambled and dispersed over the Plaza Protocol hubs

The Plaza Core layer is people in general keen contracts layer which gives a trusted, clash-free condition and publicly released usage of the key segments of the PLAZA Token Ecosystem. Plaza Core layer likewise encourages PLAZA/PL$ Exchanger and Smart Reserve contract, Escrow administrations for PL$ buy on the trader stage, Decentralized debate goals program the executives, Customer PLAZA motivations, and Plaza Lifestyle Rewards Program the board.

Plaza Platform's Token Info

This platform will fule by two cryptocurrencies one is PLAZA token and other is PL$ token. PLAZA token will fill in as the driver of the Plaza Ecosystem. It is a reusable ERC20 token that is openly transferable on the Ethereum blockchain and can be held inside the Plaza incorporated wallet or any ERC20 good wallet, at the watchfulness of the client. PLAZA can be bought straightforwardly on the stage or from outside business sectors and trades. And other hands PL$ takes into consideration frictionless internet business all through the Plaza Ecosystem as purchasers and dealers openly direct their business without the extra stress of substantial developments in the estimation of their vehicle of trade. PL$ coins are evaluated, issued, and reclaimed in USD and are completely sponsored by hold stores. New coins are printed as required and consumed as they are reclaimed.

Team Behind This Project

All the team members of this project are well educated and experience and if I starts to write about each members then this article must be so long so here i just tell you about the important team members of this project and for more information about each team member must visit to Plaza's website.

01. Kevin Johnson:He is the CEO of this project. He is a serial entrepreneur for over 25 years, Kevin is an autodidact computer whiz kid, who has lived at the vanguard of various technology growth revolutions having ICO a success score of 8.4 in ICO bench

02.Jason Corbett: Chief Legal Advisor of Plaza, He is A corporate lawyer by trade, and an entrepreneur at heart, Jason values long-term relationships and loyalty towards long-term success. Having ICO success score 15.3

03. Ronald Aai:Ronald is a sequential business visionary in the new world industry for the last quarter century. He effectively constructed a few web organizations in his initial vocation and has been growing new advancements for internet-based life, payment, versatile wallets, cell phones, telco frameworks, IOT arrangements, and blockchain innovation. Having a success score of 8.4 in ICO bench

04. Yehoshua Westover:Angel Investor and Trusted Advisor, Yehoshua is the COO of China-Israel Science Technology Innovation Center (CISTIC), taking care of task choice, by and large investor relations, corporate financing, Blockchain development, corporate branding effort, and China Israel Chamber exercises. He is Co-Founder of the freely recorded organization first Prestige Wealth Management, Inc. Furthermore, he is the Chairman of October Investment Management, which claims Wizards Capital (Funds: Fintech, Blockchain, Education, Travel, Agriculture), VIP Study Abroad, October Media, Super-Chain Software Solutions. John has more than 20 years involvement in the Greater China area as a speculation expert and budgetary guide in the advantage the board and venture industry.


As this project is targeting e-commerce to there is the huge market is waiting to grab because all buyers and sellers will be happy when they save their money on Plaza platform and security is the main reason that all people want nowadays.

For more information must connect to Plaza

Website, Whitepaper, Telegram, Twitter, Medium

Bounty0x username: Jiten123321

"This article was created in exchange for a potential token reward through Bounty0x"

Risk warning: Before any investment do your own research because no one will responsible for your profit and loss

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