Chess @pupmisfit vs @muksihs - Round 31 - WHITE’s MOVE [game-5125783]

@pupmisfit vs @muksihs Round 31

WHITE’S MOVE (@pupmisfit)



Most Recent Moves

To move a piece reply with 'MOVE: 'followed by the square to move a piece from followed by the square to move a piece into. Example:
  • move: e2 e3
When moving a pawn for promotion reply with 'MOVE: 'followed by the square to move a piece from followed by the square to move a piece into followed by the name of the piece to promote the pawn to (queen, knight, rook, or bishop). Example:
  • move: b2 b1 knight
To request a draw reply with 'MOVE: draw?'.
To concede reply with 'MOVE: resign'.
Any reply that does not start with 'MOVE: ' on the first line will be ignored so that normal commenting and replying can occur on the turn's post.
If you don't make a move within 6 days you will automatically be considered as conceding victory in your match.

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Github: LDG-Chess1

FEN: 4r1k1/1p2B1p1/2p2r2/8/P2P2bp/n2KRNb1/6B1/1R4N1 w - - 5 31

SAN: d4 d5 c3 Nf6 f4 e6 h4 a5 g3 Nc6 b4 h5 a4 Ne4 bxa5 Nxg3 Rh3 Ne4 Bg2 Nxa5 Nd2 Nxc3 Rxc3 Qxh4+ Kf1 Qxf4+ Ndf3 Qg3 Bb2 h4 Bc1 Bb4 Qd2 c6 Rb1 Bd6 e3 O-O Qe1 Qxe1+ Kxe1 Bg3+ Ke2 f6 Ba3 e5 dxe5 Bg4 exf6 Rxf6 Bb4 Raf8 Be7 d4 exd4 Re8 Re3 Nc4 Kd3 Na3

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