Platanus occidentalis - 1Day1Shot
Platanus occidentalis, also known as American sycamore, American planetree, occidental plane, and buttonwood, is one of the species of Platanus native to North America. It is usually called sycamore in North America, a name which can refer to other types of tree in other parts of the world. The name is derived from the Greek word πλάτανος (platanos), meaning flat, and the Latin word occidentalis meaning "of the west", and "sycamore" is derived from the ancient Greek συκόμορος (sūkomoros) meaning "fig-mulberry".
美桐(学名:Platanus occidentalis),又称一球悬铃木,为悬铃木科悬铃木属的植物。分布于北美洲以及中国大陆的中部、北部等地,目前已由人工引种栽培。