Plastic Drawing Contest entry Polluted girl

in #plasticocean6 years ago

My attempt at illustration


Hey there steemit this is a post to raise awareness of polution in the natural environment specifically concerning the ocean in particular! I'm not the best with illustrations they just end up as sketches but I hope you all enjoyed but before we go into the process I want you to check out @jacinta.sevilla's Profile because she's hosting the plastic drawing contest!
Click here for the contest

So What I wanted to draw was a girl with some sort of substance spilled on their face, its the ocean we're talking about so it's most likely oil, and oil spills happen every now and then in the ocean and endanger many animals with their fur and swimming ability. The most common known victim are penguins! As nature gets polluted it'll be more rare to see animals thrive in their habitat and eventually one day if we keep up the pollution we wont have anymore animals to sightsee maybe it'll just be us and factory food in future we'll never know.

But yeah the look for this girl is that she hasn't been treated the most nicest way, disheveled hair, oil splashed on her shes all dirty with nets and oil in the background with plastic cups and perhaps plastic stranding out from her hair but even after all that her clothes look clean but at the same time she isn't exactly all dirty looking. The reason why I wanted to make her look almost pristine while dirty is that it isn't too late to clean all this up that we can still have beauty before its all covered!


I first sketch the overal face!

Then the body and hair, I don't particullarly take work in progress as I like to work in one sitting but yeah as you can see i got carried away and did most of it HAHA

Then the eyes

Then the things on top or behind the character for example the nets, plastic hair and oil haze in the background.

I hope you all enjoyed this doodle I shall be heading to bed for work
Until next time, yours truly


Injust got a beautiful Idea with this. This is so nice to think it's a sketch it looks so good.
Upvoted resteemed 🕊️🌼🍃🙏

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