Watch Out! Plastic Bottles Can Cause Intestinal Pain to Infertility

in #plastic6 years ago


Hati-hati! Botol Plastik Bisa Sebabkan Sakit Usus hingga Kemandulan

akurat07-29 | 15:45

Relawan menunjukkan plastik dan kaleng setelah pengumpulan sampah, menjelang Hari Lingkungan Dunia di La Costilla Beach, di pantai Samudera Atlantik di Rota, Spanyol 2 Juni 2018 | REUTERS

AKURAT.CO, Hampir sebagian orang mengonsumsi air melalui botol plastik. Apalagi ketika mereka bepergian. Botol plastik air tak bisa dilepaskan dari tas punggung. Padahal botol plastik diangap tak sehat.

Botol plastik bisa menyebabkan penyakit peradangan usus karena mengandung bahan kimia yakni bisphenol A (BPA). BPA juga ditemukan pada makanan kaleng yang bisa menyebabkan inflamasi dan bakteri baik menjadi penyakit usus.

BPA akan bereaksi dengan hormon tiroid dan osterogen yang berkaitan dengan kemandulan, autisme, obesitas, diabetes, kelahiran prematur, dan pubertas dini. Parahnya, BPA juga bisa menyebabkan pertumbuhan payudara pada lelaki.

“Hasil penelitian ini memberikan bukti bahwa kita harus memahami bagaimana lingkungan bisa berdampak buruk terhadap kesehatan. Inilah saat kita harus bertindak untuk mengurangi risiko berbagai penyakit,” kata Dr Clint Allred, peneliti dari Universitas Texas A&M, dilansir Daily Mail pada Jumat (27/7).

Bukan hanya botol plastik, 90 persen struk belanjaan juga mengandung BPA. Kasir yang sering bersentuhan dengan struk belanjaan sangat berisiko terkena dampak bahan kimia tersebut. Itu disebabkan struk itu menggunakan tinta yang mengandung bahan kimia yang sama seperti pada botol plastik.

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Watch Out! Plastic Bottles Can Cause Intestinal Pain to Infertility

accurate07-29 | 15:45

Volunteers show plastic and cans after garbage collection, ahead of World Environment Day at La Costilla Beach, on the Atlantic Ocean coast in Rota, Spain June 2, 2018 | REUTERS

Almost some people consume water through plastic bottles. Especially when they travel. The plastic water bottle can not be removed from the backpack. Though plastic bottles are considered unhealthy.

Plastic bottles can cause inflammatory bowel disease because they contain chemicals such as bisphenol A (BPA). BPA is also found in canned foods that can cause inflammation and good bacteria into intestinal diseases.

BPA reacts with thyroid and osteogenous hormones associated with infertility, autism, obesity, diabetes, premature birth, and early puberty. Worse, BPA can also cause breast growth in men.

"The results of this study provide evidence that we must understand how the environment can have adverse health effects. This is when we have to act to reduce the risk of various diseases, "said Dr. Clint Allred, a researcher from Texas A & M University, told the Daily Mail on Friday (27/7).

Not just plastic bottles, 90 percent of shopping carts also contain BPA. Cashiers who often come into contact with the grocery store are very risky affected by these chemicals. That's because the struk uses inks that contain the same chemicals as in plastic bottles.

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