Plants have a mind! Make sure of it. Scientific evidence !!

in #plants5 years ago (edited)

Все привет друзья!! Очень рад быть снова с вами и рад поделиться полезной информацией для еще более осознанного восприятия реальности. Сегодня я расскажу вам о жизни нашей фауны - то есть о жизни всех растений живущих рядом с нами.
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All people on earth depend on plants, it is simply impossible to imagine our planet without them, when we want to say that some place is not suitable for life, then we are talking about a scorched desert, that is, a place completely free from plants.
Understanding the relationship between life and plants is determined by the traditions of all peoples. Our ancestors were no exception. With plants and especially trees, from the great centuries, originating from the depths of centuries, in every village near each settlement there were sacred groves, people came to them with their ailments, problems and almost always found help.

In Russia, when a son was born, an oak was planted, if the girl was a birch. They came to their tree for healing. To get help, I needed to establish contact (communication) with the tree, bring him a present, talk and ask for help, and then say thank you. It was believed that if a person asks several times, leaning against a tree with his back or head, the tree will take on his pain or misfortune. Such communication testified to the fact that our ancestors firmly realized that every plant has a soul, and this awareness did not come from environmental motives that have become fashionable today, but because they considered every tree, every flower, any blade of grass in the field as a refuge of special consciousness.

An unusual property of plants at the beginning of the last century, the Soviet scientist Semyon Kirlian, together with his wife Valentina, found out that the photo of the plant image is a drawing of an electrical state. During one of the experiments, a freshly cut leaf of a plant was placed in a high frequency electromagnetic field and then part of the flower was photographed and removed again. And when they showed the film, they saw on it the outline of a whole sheet, this phenomenon was called the Phantom of the sheet. Easy to find on the net, a very interesting sight !! From photographs it was possible to see the influence of plants on each other. It turned out that the leaf fields were slightly in contact, they could create real energy flows!
The Kirlian effect has found application in the diagnosis of mental illness, in mechanical engineering, forensic science, parapsychology ...

Nowadays, every day we get new evidence that plants experience pain, joy and fear. Many people know that scientists around the world have conducted a linguistic experiment with animals, whales, and dolphins, but few know that they did the same with plants. Yes, with the very ones that we mostly think of as something immobile and exist only to provide us with food, decorate our homes and treat our diseases.

However, we can recall that it is around plants that most of the rites of all peoples develop. Questions arise: does the plant have consciousness, is it possible to communicate with them in any way ?? Here's a good example: in Russia, in the vicinity of Nizhny Tagil in the early 1990s, a logging team chopped trees in order to pass the time they thought up counting annual rings on sawn trees. The man noticed that all the trees periodically show some kind of bad rings and they are uneven and their color is not healthy. All the trees studied had five to six such rings going one after another. The lumberjack thought and decided to figure out in which years the tree hurt and the results shocked him, it turned out that we all had trees during the disease in 1940-1946 !! It turns out that the trees felt something terrible was happening, together with the people they suffered from the hardships of war ...

Also an interesting way to clear a plot of forest under the fields was invented by the inhabitants of the Solomon Islands, they just gather with the whole tribe and swear at the trees. After a few days, the trees begin to die slowly but surely and eventually die.
The experiments conducted by biologists give an amazing result, plants are able to see and feel the taste, smell, touch and hear, moreover, they can communicate, suffer, perceive hatred and love, understand and think in one word. Plants have their own nervous system, consciousness and feelings, that plants have memory can be easily verified using classical experience. The experiment was first conducted by biologists at the University of Vermont, France. If desired, you can easily repeat it. When a sprout appears from the ground with the first two leaves, one of them is pricked several times with a needle and after a few minutes continues to grow and develop, but its development occurs asymmetrically. All flowers and fruits develop only on one side of the plant, which has not been damaged. How did the plant remember that on the other side where the injections came from, there was danger ?? An explanation of this phenomenon from the point of view of modern physiology cannot even approximately show the mechanism of memory in plants ...

Among other things, plants have a peculiar vision or a special sense of smell. It is known that steppe shrubs know where their territory and where is alien. In search of moisture, they expand their root system, it expands in width and height. But if another bush lives on the path of the bush, then the movement of their roots towards stops. They recognize each other from the surrender without touching. Plants respect the living space of a neighbor and do not encroach on its territory.
The most extraordinary ability of plants is their ability to perceive feelings and thoughts and even respond to them. At the end of the 19th century, this theory was confirmed by the American breeder gardener and learned botanist Luther Burbank. Creating a new variety, he just talked with plants for a long time. For example, to create a prickly cactus variety, he repeated to the shoots many times: "you do not need thorns, you are afraid of nothing." This was his only method. You may not believe it to be considered a miracle, but the variety known before for its thorns began to grow without thorns and passed this property to the offspring. At the same time, he bred a new variety of potatoes, early plums, different types of flowers and fruit trees. Many of which bear his name to this day.

In the sixties of the last century, another American scientist and polygraph examiner, Grover Cleveland "Cleve" Backster, had the crazy idea of ​​attaching lie detector sensors to the leaves of a Philodendron flower. In the laboratory, the recorder was motionless for a long time, the flower was silent, it continued until one day, next to a plant, someone broke an egg, at the same instant, the recorder jerked and cleared the peak. The plant reacted to the death of living. Later, the laboratory staff lowered the shrimp into boiling water, the recorder reacted again in the most active way, so that to check if this was an accident, the shrimps were lowered into boiling water through a pause and each time the recorder gave a sharp peak.
Also, an unmistakable, instantly, plant reacts if something happens to a person, especially if he is dear to him, cares for the plant, watered it ... The literature describes cases when, after the death of the mistress, indoor plants dried out in one night. So they reacted to the death of a woman who loved them very much and looked after them for many years ...

Each plant remembers and then recognize their offenders who have harmed them. In the middle of the last century, the English biologist and writer Lyall Watson conducted an interesting experiment, one of the laboratory employees watered a geranium flower daily, looked after the soil, wiped leaves, and the other, with a negative look, caused the flower all kinds of harm, broke branches, pricked leaves with a needle, burned with fire . In the presence of a positive employee of the laboratory, the recorder always noted an even straight line, but as soon as the negative came into the room, the geranium immediately began to send sharp signals to the lie detector by itself.
Of course, all this seems fantastic, but from all the same the facts that are recorded. They clearly show that plants are in no way inferior to animals, and sometimes even superior to them. Also, like animal plants have reflexes, memory, the ability to communicate, but they have special sensitivity to all this. Man is not unraveled.

Studies by a group of scientists from Germany and Italy showed that in case of a threat, plants can be quite cunning, emitting a certain smell to warn the surrounding plants about the threat and call for help. Once the plants felt and reacted to the presence of nearby hungry larvae feeding on leaves. The approach of danger made the experimental herbs begin to emit a smell similar to the smell of lavender, warning the surrounding plants about the appearance of a predator. Moreover, the smell of lavender caused air support from bees and wasps, the natural enemies of the larvae, and thus the attack was repelled.
The fact that trees in some incomprehensible way can transmit signals to each other and receive them was confirmed by numerous experiments by English biologists. For example, in the savannah, the vegetation is located at a considerable distance from each other, and when an antelope approaches a tree or shrub to enjoy its foliage, neighboring plants immediately receive an attack signal, their leaves isolating special substances become inedible and this kind of danger signal spreads lightning fast and quite a large radius. If the antelope fails to get out of this zone, it happens that among the green trees and shrubs a whole herd of animals die of hunger ... Scientists were amazed when studies confirmed the fact that trees transmitted alarms to each other over a huge distance. It turns out that the trees in their reactions are very similar to representatives of the animal world, the main difference of which is that the trees can not move!

As we have said, people from ancient times understood that plants have consciousness and soul, there are numerous records of ancient chronicles about this, while ancient authors refer to even more ancient evidence and texts. The fact that the plant has a soul can be found in the book Secrets of Enoch. Without eyes and ears and other sensory organs customary for us, plants nevertheless have their own sensory organs, which are simply arranged somewhat differently. They see hear and communicate at the field level, communicate with each other can be said telepathically and have their own consciousness.
Any tree, like us, is able to feel pain and just like we don’t want to die, they try to communicate with us in an incredibly thin, almost ethereal language and only some of us try to understand it ... Grasses, trees, insects, animals and people all this is a single large and interdependent organism, it is not so easy to understand, learning to live harmoniously in unity with nature is even more difficult, but there is no other way. We still have a lot to learn from the nature around us.

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