Having to change my plans... again

in #plans7 years ago (edited)

Why is that when you start making plans for your future something comes along and spits in your face. I made a post about a major decision I made.
This was for me to work towards, something for me to make my life easier and give me something to look forward to but then *BAM

Hubby took our car around to the garage that's at the end our our street, he does our MOT's, our exhaust was making some weird noises so thought best get it looked at before a policeman sees us and pulls us over. BAM we need a new exhaust and we should start thinking about buying a new car as our Betty is starting to fail. So now my new plan is to save up for a new car and my plans of a garden out the back with french windows has been put on the back burner until never.

My decision has to be changed as it means if I don't buy a car I will become completely housebound, no getting out at all, that would definitely finish me off.

My poor car is 13 years old so has done really well considering, she has been a good reliable car but now is the time to let her rest, she's tired and worn out. I will probably get a £5 for scrap if I'm lucky.

I don't want to power down but will have to to see how much money I can get together for a car, I can't afford a new one and I don't mind a used car as long as its in good condition as its just to get me out once or twice a week. The thought of sitting in the house 24/7 scares me as I don't like to think were it may lead me.

You never know I may win the lottery, Someone has to win so why not me :)

Thank you son-of-satire

Hi I am Karen, I am here to write about my life and read about yours.. If you like what you read please upvote and leave me a message so I can come visit youfollow me on Twitter

I drive a 2000 grand am ! Its now 17 years old and always needs something done , but for the most part it runs good ! After replaceing almost everything on it lol ! I debate selling it for something a bit newer because at least i know all the work thats been done , mostly by my boyfriend thank god just had buy parts ! If i buy another car who knows what will break down on it ! Haha !
I started powering down over a week ago out of necessity ! Im broke , still on EI , and i cant afford to lose my credit that i tried so hard to build ! So do what you need to do to survive , im just hopeing the price of steem skyrockets in 3 months 👍👍👍

Will be nice if it does, I've had some work done on her she's running better now, she's only got 90 thousand on the clock lol

Oh haha ! someone must have put a new motor in it ! Mines 17 years old 260,000 thousand km ! And thats good lol ! Never lose a drop of oil between changes 👍

I hardly use it, its for getting me to the shop and Back, the engines fine but the body work is falling to bits lol a bit like mine

Haha ! A bit like all of ours !👍

Good luck on getting a new (used) car and winning the lottery. Sometimes our plans are interrupted with new ones.

Thank you , I am stopping making plans from now on, see what comes :)

Life seems to get in the way of all of my plans too for some reason :) I'm sure you guys will find a great car and it'll all work out flawlessly.

Thank you but knowing my luck it will all come crashing down, it usually does, nothing ever goes no right

I'll throw some positive thoughts your way so that everything can flow smoothly :)

Thank you, it all helps :)

Keep positive. You never know what is just around the corner.

I lost my job just as I moved into an expensive flat with my then girlfriend, who didn't work. As luck would have it I got a contract job, and I've been contracting ever since and loving it.

I was planning on training for an ultra marathon this weekend, but we have the worst storm in generations about to hit us. So it looks like I will be out rescuing people instead.

Life will continue to alter your plans, sometimes that's a good thing. :-)

So look at this as an opportunity. Grab it and make it work for you.

I will try, well done on your good luck. Hope the storm inst that bad, stay safe :)

it does feel like that happens, i have heard that story many times from folks who start saving for something and then as you say.. BAM. unexpected life problems lol

Its airways Bam here, learnt my lesson to stop making plans then no one is disappointed :)

Are things of destiny dear friend @ karenb54, we plan, while destiny decides, but something happens things, see the positive side you will have a better car to give some walks around the city.

Thank you @jlufer :) I am thinking positive

Reality looks at your plans...
........and laughs.

No plan survives contact with the enemy.

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