in #planet7 years ago (edited)

Planet X. I've been doing some reading about it lately. I'm not a scientist, not an astronomer, not a physicist. I'm just a regular person looking for answers.. the truth.

On November 18, 2017, the Washington Post put out an article titled "Please stop annoying this NASA scientist with your ridiculous Planet X doomsday theories". I thought it was interesting enough to find out what was really going on.

I wanted to find opinions and credible evidence from valid sources. So I dug a little deeper.

That's when I found a seminar by John Moore. Mr. Moore is a Vietnam veteran and former homicide detective. I would say he is a credible source. In his presentation he explains how Planet X was discovered by NASA in the 1970's and they have been tracking it ever since. Mr. Moore explains that he is not a scientist (but a good detective) and his research brought him to what he calls "the smoking gun" when he listened to Dr. Harrington, an astronomer for the US Navy, in his 1992 documentary "Are We Alone In the Universe".

Mr. Moore currently gives group presentations and private consultations on how to prepare and survive the affects of Planet X. He talks in depth of devastation that will happen and how it's been a government cover-up since the 1970's.

Also in my research, I read about Dr. Shimschuck. He is a former NASA scientist who came forward a few years ago as a whistle-blower on the subject of Nibiru, or Planet X. A shocking telephone interview was recorded in 2016 with Dr. Shimschuck. In this recording, he talks about not only the cover-up, but also gives a chilling warning of destruction here on Earth.

I wanted to know more about Dr. Shimschuck. I decided to look him up to see if there was anymore recent information about him. That's when I found an article from The Daily Coin on December 25, 2016, titled "Trump Picks Nibiru Astronomers As Scientific Advisors". I was quite surprised to read that President Trump has picked him as one of his advisors! Does Trump believe it's coming?

Watch my video for more ~

Is there really a threat to us in the near future from Planet X? With all the garbage and "fake news" on the internet regarding Planet X, it's hard to get solid information. It's as if someone doesn't want us to know the truth.. I'm going to keep digging.

CHECK OUT: - Dr Shimschuck - NASA, Nibiru Coverup - Planet X - Wormwood


FOR MORE INFO: John Moore's Website


I heard earlier from the tv that an AI found a new planet?!

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