
All humans make mistakes! It's important to give a second chance.

I know it will be hard for you but tomorrow is a new day, a new chance...we all make mistakes some are small some are big, be aware of them and try to fix it a good re-start.. 👍

u r right, it is like a restart for me now

We all make mistakes, and sometimes even honest mistakes got punished like dishonest ones!! Keep up the good work dear friend, we all learn from our mistakes and I leaned a lot!

i will :)

Jeder hat eine 2. Chance verdient!

Bei mir ist alles gut, immerhin stehst du dazu und machst dich nicht einfach vom Acker, find ich richtig so.

Dann freu ich mich auf weitere tolle Bilder von dir.

buradamısın şu an saat 23 55 cuma konuşalım
ben bu zibidileri yola getiririm. bana bırak @atli

Herkes hata yapar. hata yapmak ne kadar kötü olsada, hatayı kabul etmekte bir o kadar yürek ister...

: plagiarism suçu bu mu
koruyun ...

motiven icin tesekkür ederim @necrosahin baba ;)

Ich hab nix mitbekommen, erzähl mal was genau war (gerne im chat) - 2. Chance immer, alleine wie Du hier davon berichtest verdient höchsten Respekt!

Tell it honors .. it starts from scratch and it's already ..

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