The article on Ties - the platform I work for (the one we failled to publish)

in #plaftorm7 years ago

Ties.Network - developing ties in crypto community with the new-generation business platform.

Remember when saying “I got Bitcoins” used to direct people's mind exceptionally to something related to illegal stuff? Well, it is not so true now, when crypto economy hit 90 billion dollars. Let’s get this straight - crypto community, cryptocurrencies, blockchain, it is all taken seriously now. Crypto world is no longer about anonymous users with Guy Fawkes masks on their avatars speaking about the “Japanese guy” who invented digital money - it is about building future here and now. Of course, no one canceled ability to buy something illegal, however, you don’t need blockchain and cryptos for anarchy, there are simpler ways. You need it for a new, better order. But some legacy of the times when crypto world was in its’ genesis remains: we don’t have a single platform that would allow us to find partners from the crypto community worldwide, evaluate skills and reputation, hire them or invite to a project. Just imagine crypto community had its own LinkedIn?
So we committed ourselves to the mission of lifting crypto community to new standards of trust, an efficiency of cooperation and security of interaction. What we offer is a distributed business platform that allows traders, investors, developers, and enthusiasts to find business partners, offer their services, enter smart contracts based deals to hire staff, advertise their own services in a secure environment, and finance projects, all that anonymous, should our users wish it.
Keeping all that in mind we have pledged to create such a platform, something, that we hope will allow crypto community and professionals yet to become a part of it to interact like never before. Even more - we have created a database, that makes above-mentioned platform possible, and then we have built our platform upon it. But let’s sort it step by step.
Some may oppose “databases on blockchain already exist”. True that they do exist, however, they are primitive and limited in their functions so far - they are “just enough” to do precisely what they were created to do, or even less. In plain words, they don’t allow to store everything, only the bare minimum. We believe such database is, in itself, a missing link crypto community needs. What should a dream database be like?

Publicity, distribution, and decentralization - applications are good when they are made that way, and databases are no different.
Various attacks tolerance in the public network - peers don’t have to trust each other, they just need to know that mathematics is on their side
High speed - millions of transactions per second, that is what widely used database requires.
Ability to store and delete structured data, support of secondary indexes and full-text search - applications should not be limited to a bare minimum of abilities neither should the database be overloaded with irrelevant data. Sharding support is another must-have, for a large network where nodes are legion full data replication on all nodes is too redundant, and the level of replication should be decreased in favor of higher storage capacity.

Without those features any blockchain database is limited, and it is certainly not enough for what we have decided to create, that is, a business platform, decentralized, anonymous, powered by blockchain and, capable of operating Turing-complete smart contracts, of course, with an ability to cut deals and transfers. Furthermore, this platform will supply a mechanism of reputation voting built on the principles of decentralization when the community itself determines users rating based on his or her significance to the crypto world and experience of interaction with it on prior transactions. And the best part, the rating can be partially inflated, but not for long, and by no means faked, so we expect our system to consist of decent crypto citizens. All this would make the platform in creating a solid base for further development of crypto market through the future project, but why we need one?
The concept was born when we, being constantly connected to people from the crypto world in process of doing business, negotiating, meeting and organizing some projects, faced the fact that the community is scattered. There is no single place that would allow us to find partners, understand their skills, verify their objectivity and get to business. This market deserves better than this.

None of the existing sites at the moment satisfy such a seemingly simple set of criteria. Crypto world is still young, it is dynamically developing. So frequently we witness new opportunities, phenomena coming into existence thanks to those breakthrough technologies. This market is developing faster, than an infrastructure around it.
We want to make it simpler to understand the situation with crypto markets in a particular country, quickly find truly understanding professionals and reach an agreement with them on launching a business project straight away. What we provide are tools for projects, due diligence performing, mining and seeking job position in a secure, convenient environment.

Let's say we want to hire a consultant on crypto-currencies on the other side of the globe. We have to search in the community, private chats, ask friends. Maybe receive some recommendations on a forum. In fact, it's not networking, but some kind of semi-closed private group. Or let us presume we need to verify an ICO-campaign. How to verify all the parameters of a campaign in order to understand exactly whether to invest in it or not? Or there is a need for a crypto crowdfunding campaign to be started. Business applications are many, yet it is our strong belief that a single platform that unites diverse forms of crypto market business activities is the next step for the crypto community (not to say that just one should exist, we embrace competitions; however, at this moment there is none).
Actually, doing business would be way easier for us if anything close to that existed, but there is none, for there are no databases technically capable of what it takes to make a true crypto LinkedIn possible. So we had to pioneer, creating what will help to create in future.