Difficult Roads = Beautiful Destinations

in #places6 years ago

Difficult Roads = Beautiful Destinations

Have you ever gone to a place where it has been very difficult to get to? And in the end, you experience to see such a beautiful place?

Well, life has the same term to be honesty. We go through so much difficult situations where your will is being tested everyday to the point of being so tired about it, but everything pays off once you get where you want to get to.


Do you have any experiences you want to share with us of a beautiful place with difficult roads? I would love to see what places you have gone to that turned out to be beautiful places.


"You are already amazing, don't try to be so perfect"
""You can go through Fire and still not get burned"."
"Become someone legendary to achieve your dreams"
"Clear your mind, body and soul to show what you are really made of"
"Love is like a box of chocolates because you never know what you are going to get"
"Be there for your love ones when it rains, they know you'll stand with them when it shines"
"The power of your words depends on the power of your actions"
"Save yourself, Your Life Is 100% Your Responsibility"
"Make your future bigger than your Past"
"Take care of your dreams today, so your dreams take care of you tomorrow"
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love"
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday"
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you"
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, you're giving part of yourself"
"Embrace your dream with passion and love, and money will come after you"
"If you want the world to change, just look at yourself in the mirror and you will see where to start. "

Stay blessed.

Note: Each post is created out of life experiences and personal opinion. There is nothing written in stone, your opinion is valuable and can be different.



I crossed the Chott El Jerid by car, between Kebili and Tozeur. Salt stretch over km. A stop is required!
Chott el Jerid this lake dried up stretching as far as the eye can see where the sky meets the earth. When getting up in the morning, the sun seems to be submerging from underground.

A red arc begins to dawn from the surface of the lake and grows slowly, giving off a fantastic glow until it becomes a round sphere that rises to the sky.
A breathtaking view! The panorama is grandiose and magical, the place is perfect for contemplation. Far from the stressful atmosphere of the urban environment ...


This was an awesome experience my friend. I'm really impressed. Thanks for sharing :)


Buenos días @javybar, la verdad no viajo mucho , pero mi proyecto de vida esta en las criptomonedas , estas me estan haciendo sufrir , tratare de no mirar mucho como van , espero que este mes , florescan a ver si estoy mas optimista.
Feliz semana querido javybar:)

Pues estamos en las mismas. Si no se ha salido a estas alturas, pues vas a ser premiada mucho. Segun lo que he investigado, la recuperacion comienza esta semana. Veremos que pasa. Este es tambien mi proyecto de el año. Feliz semana! @martha75

yeah,i am agree with your opinion.its always hundred percent real truth.obviously difficult road beautifull destination.personally i think that a difficult road first step to success in our life.if we can this road perfectly going right step obviously next time waiting doing for our beautifull place thing. every success back stayed big hard rules.of course we keep should be self confidence of yourself then can success being this life. very well done.take care yourself and best of luck of your great work.may god bless you.you are a best friend and obviously good supported my work.i know you support my work everytime similar before.because a good friend can a friend gives alots of support and best help.i am waiting your support.i hope that,you are good.i want you stayed alltime my sides and protect me and gives alots of encourage my work.i miss you dear very much.my best wishes alltime with you.i want you live long with alots of happiness.all the best. my friend @javybar

Lots of happiness for you as well my friend. Best of luck. Thank you for your support :)

i am always appreciate your comment.because your every word very special for me.because you are my best friend and good person one of them.so,i want you stayed always happy your life and live long.thank you for your good word comment.your word just fantastic..very well done. take care yourself and best of luck of your great work.may god bless you. my dear friend. @javybar

In my 2 cents opinion destiny of success start with difficult passage. Success is achieved by leaving your comfort zone. Once you are on the track of difficult road with self belief you will be on track of successful life. Thanks for sharing motivational and inspirational post @javybar

Your 2 cents and my 5 cents make a great contribution for your post. Thank you for your contribution my friend :)

Beautiful place means difficult road. When we want to achieve some good things or beautiful place we face many difficulties. But we get pleasure when we reach our destination. Thanks sir @javybar for the beautiful content.

very true my friend. Thank you very much :)

@javybar, Absolutely beautiful conversation you build up here. I reminded my past school life. I went difficult road with my families. We hadn't awesome income for spend life better. We had only little bit income for spend our life for everything indeed education fees. But I thought those days I'll come better place in future, then I respect my parents included every helpful persons who supported me for go ahead. Now I became better place for find happiness in my life. I support every year twice for desolate peoples. I can do my best now with through went difficult road.

Wishing you the best in every decision you take in life. You are already wise enough to guide your life the best way possible. Best of wishes my friend :)

100% agree with you friend, life is not easy and we can't get any good things easily, for this we need to do very hard work and patience, the people who can do this he will be success, he will be reached his goal definitely.

very true my friend. thank you very much for you opinion.

i believe that, but sometimes is really hard to take those decisions when you have everything to lose.

i agree with you, this is where you use critical thinking and take the best decisions, even if they hurt

Exactly correct.after facing and bearing difficulties we meet our success.but we should not loose hope in every situation.

Very true my friend :)

Almost every road in life is difficult! Have a good day sir :D

true, but it's never so impossible :)

Thats the challenge of life! :)

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