BRITAIN’S PIZZAGATE? Part Eight.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)


Paul Kidd was given an indeterminate sentence and will serve a minimum of six years after admitting 29 counts of abuse on three young boys over a 32-year period.

In October 2008 the Daily reported;

A former Buckingham Palace butler has been unmasked as a sexual predator who ran a paedophile ring while serving the Royal Family.

Bachelor Paul Kidd, 55, groomed at least one of his teenage victims for sex by taking him for tea with the Queen Mother at Clarence House, it has emerged.

To the public, he had been the urbane gent who waited on the Royals for nine years – first the Queen at the Palace and then her mother.

He often publicly gushed about his blue blood employers talking of the Queen as ‘courteous and genuinely caring.’

But behind the facade, Kidd was leading a secret double life as a serial child abuser who molested a string of boys over a 30 year period.

He was finally exposed after one of his victims read a newspaper article in which he boasted about his links to the Royals and talked fondly of Princess Diana and her musical tastes.

Police raided his two bedroom home in St Johns Street, Stalybridge, where they found almost 19,000 pornographic pictures and videos of children.

Included in the haul were some nude pictures of a teenager who officers were able to trace and interview.

Some images were hidden in a safe while others were encrypted on his computer.

Kidd admitted 29 sex charges involving three boys namely indecent assault, sexual activity with a child and the possessing and making of indecent images of children between December 1974 and January 2008.

An accomplice David Hobday, 56, of St Johns Street, Dukinfield admitted seven charges involving one of the victims of sexual activity with a child and possessing indecent images. Both men face a maximum 14 years in jail.

A police source said: ‘Kidd was a very accomplished groomer of children.

Kidd has been remanded in custody and faces 14 years in jail if convicted

‘Given that he has been behaving like this for 30 years the likelihood is there could be many other victims out there who have not yet come forward.

As with all these stories the media present the culprit as if he was acting alone living a secret double life as a paedophile ring leader and a royal butler, like he got to be a royal butler despite the paedophile ring. What about if he made his way to being royal butler because of the paedophile ring?

The Sun call this soft justice as if they are outraged by what is taking place but the Sun (or any mainstream media outlet in Britain) failed to properly inform the British people of an important vote in Parliament.

In 2015 there was a proposal that was suggested by Labour MP, John Mann. This proposal would have granted immunity from prosecution under the official secrets act of whistle-blowers (many of who claim to have been blackmailed and threatened to remain silent) of an elite pedophile ring operating in Britain! The proposal was defeated in the house of commons 295 to 233. Only 8 Conservative politicians voted to change the law to protect the whistle blowers the other 254 and the 40 Liberal Democrats (in my opinion at least) should be forced to explain why did they vote against exposing the truth.

Sorry about the long list but I believe these people should be named because they are actively aiding the cover up.

Conservative: 254

Nigel Adams
Adam Afriyie
Peter Aldous
Sir David Amess
Stuart Andrew
James Arbuthnot
Richard Bacon
Steve Baker
Sir Tony Baldry
Harriett Baldwin
Stephen Barclay
Gregory Barker
Gavin Barwell
Henry Bellingham
Richard Benyon
Sir Paul Beresford
Jake Berry
Andrew Bingham
Bob Blackman
Nicola Blackwood
Crispin Blunt
Nick Boles
Karen Bradley
Graham Brady
Julian Brazier
Andrew Bridgen
Steve Brine
James Brokenshire
Fiona Bruce
Robert Buckland
Aidan Burley
Conor Burns
Simon Burns
David Burrowes
Alistair Burt
Dan Byles
Alun Cairns
Neil Carmichael
Sir William Cash
Rehman Chishti
Christopher Chope
Greg Clark
Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
Therese Coffey
Damian Collins
Oliver Colvile
Geoffrey Cox
Stephen Crabb
Tracey Crouch
David T. C. Davies
Glyn Davies
Nick de Bois
Caroline Dinenage
Nadine Dorries
Jackie Doyle-Price
Richard Drax
Sir Alan Duncan
Iain Duncan Smith
Philip Dunne
Michael Ellis
Jane Ellison
Tobias Ellwood
Charlie Elphicke
George Eustice
Graham Evans
Jonathan Evans
Nigel Evans
David Evennett
Michael Fabricant
Michael Fallon
Mark Field
Liam Fox
Mr Mark Francois
Mike Freer
Richard Fuller
Sir Roger Gale
Sir Edward Garnier
Mark Garnier
Mr David Gauke
Mr Nick Gibb
Cheryl Gillan
John Glen
Robert Goodwill
Richard Graham
Helen Grant
James Gray
Damian Green
Justine Greening
Dominic Grieve
Ben Gummer
Sam Gyimah
Robert Halfon
Stephen Hammond
Matthew Hancock
Greg Hands
Mark Harper
Richard Harrington
Rebecca Harris
Simon Hart
Sir Alan Haselhurst
John Hayes
Sir Oliver Heald
Chris Heaton-Harris
Gordon Henderson
Charles Hendry
Nick Herbert
Damian Hinds
Mark Hoban
George Hollingbery
Sir Gerald Howarth
John Howell
Jeremy Hunt
Nick Hurd
Stewart Jackson
Margot James
Sajid Javid
Bernard Jenkin
Robert Jenrick
Gareth Johnson
Joseph Johnson
Andrew Jones
David Jones
Marcus Jones
Chris Kelly
Simon Kirby
Sir Greg Knight
Kwasi Kwarteng
Mark Lancaster
Pauline Latham
Andrea Leadsom
Jessica Lee
Phillip Lee
Oliver Letwin
Brandon Lewis
Julian Lewis
Ian Liddell-Grainger
David Lidington
Peter Lilley
Jack Lopresti
Tim Loughton
Sir Peter Luff
Karen Lumley
Theresa May
Jason McCartney
Karl McCartney
Anne McIntosh
Patrick McLoughlin
Stephen McPartland
Mark Menzies
Stephen Metcalfe
Maria Miller
Nigel Mills
Anne Milton
Andrew Mitchell
Penny Mordaunt
Nicky Morgan
Anne Marie Morris
David Morris
James Morris
Stephen Mosley
David Mowat
David Mundell
Sheryll Murray
Andrew Murrison
Robert Neill
Brooks Newmark
Sarah Newton
Caroline Nokes
Jesse Norman
David Nuttall
Stephen O’Brien
Matthew Offord
Eric Ollerenshaw
Guy Opperman
Sir Richard Ottaway
Sir James Paice
Neil Parish
Priti Patel
Mark Pawsey
Mike Penning
John Penrose
Andrew Percy
Claire Perry
Stephen Phillips
Eric Pickles
Christopher Pincher
Daniel Poulter
Mark Prisk
Mark Pritchard
Dominic Raab
Sir John Randall
John Redwood
Jacob Rees-Mogg
Simon Reevell
Andrew Robathan
Sir Hugh Robertson
Andrew Rosindell
Amber Rudd
David Ruffley
David Rutley
Laura Sandys
Lee Scott
Andrew Selous
Grant Shapps
Alok Sharma
Alec Shelbrooke
Mark Simmonds
Keith Simpson
Chris Skidmore
Chloe Smith
Henry Smith
Julian Smith
Sir Nicholas Soames
Anna Soubry
Caroline Spelman
Andrew Stephenson
Bob Stewart
Iain Stewart
Rory Stewart
Gary Streeter
Mel Stride
Graham Stuart
Julian Sturdy
Desmond Swayne
Hugo Swire
Robert Syms
Edward Timpson
Justin Tomlinson
David Tredinnick
Andrew Turner
Andrew Tyrie
Paul Uppal
Edward Vaizey
Shailesh Vara
Martin Vickers
Theresa Villiers
Charles Walker
Robin Walker
Dame Angela Watkinson
Mike Weatherley
James Wharton
Heather Wheeler
Chris White
Craig Whittaker
John Whittingdale
Bill Wiggin
David Willetts
Gavin Williamson
Rob Wilson
Sarah Wollaston
Jeremy Wright
Tim Yeo
Sir George Young
Nadhim Zahawi

Liberal Democrats: 40
Norman Baker
Sir Alan Beith
Gordon Birtwistle
Annette Brooke
Jeremy Browne
Sir Malcolm Bruce
Lorely Burt
Alistair Carmichael
Mike Crockart
Mr Edward Davey
Lynne Featherstone
Don Foster
Andrew George
Stephen Gilbert
Sir Nick Harvey
Martin Horwood
Simon Hughes
Julian Huppert
Charles Kennedy
David Laws
John Leech
Stephen Lloyd
Michael Moore
Greg Mulholland
John Pugh
Alan Reid
Dan Rogerson
Sir Bob Russell
Adrian Sanders
Sir Robert Smith
Sir Andrew Stunell
Ian Swales
Jo Swinson
John Thurso
David Ward
Steve Webb
Mark Williams
Stephen Williams
Jenny Willott
Simon Wright

Independent: 1
Mike Hancock

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