
This nightmare horror of evil degenerates needs to be exposed. Precisely that is the greatness of steemit. As soon as the moment will come, all this people, clients, galleries, art critics, museums and so on, will be scrutinized, punished, chastised and finally hopefully lynched or thrown in dungeons as Sade was to suffer to slowly dead from syphilis: the consequence of his depravedness. There is no art in evil deeds, nothing about esthetic's and less about values. There is only an satanic inversion. Abrahamovic(1) and Koons have also been linked to pedo-pizzagate.
Our days new generations, due to their complex, knowledge and unbiased discernment as the webs predictive linguistic datasets foresights hint to, won't fall in the trap and will require the reckoning.

(1) Artist of the year at arco, Spain's international art trade show

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