The Anwan Brothers - Hillary’s Henchmen - Day 127 to 129 – A Webb CompanionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #pizzagate7 years ago (edited)

“…[A] Titanic-like leak, this makes Watergate look like a bathtub compared to the ocean.”

In his latest edition of his open source investigation George Webb calls for a Twitter Storm directed at the DC Capitol police. The aim of the action is to apply pressure on law enforcement in hopes of spurring them into action.

Day 129: Part 1 (of 5)

The Awan Brothers

Over the last several days, Webb has intensified his focus on the Awan brothers who he believes may be responsible for stealing sensitive material from multiple congressional sources.

The Awan brothers are Pakistani nationals hired as IT experts within US government agencies and who enjoy $160, 000 annual salaries. The fact that they make twice the average salary of their colleagues, and even more than their superiors, has drawn addition scrutiny by citizen investigators.

The Awan brothers were given top level access to multiple government agencies on intelligence:

House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

House Committee on Foreign Affairs

Department of Homeland Security.

Webb has identified the Awan brothers as:

  • Being members of the Muslim Brotherhood
  • Receiving abnormally high salaries
  • Having far reaching access to governmental agencies
  • Unclear who exactly hired them and who pays their high salaries
  • Pakistani nationals, not US citizens
  • Giving intel to Muslim Brotherhood who are running the rat-lines (drugs/sex/weapons trafficking) in countries such as Syria.

Twitter Storm

Webb has urged his viewers and twitter account holders to tweet at @Capitolpolice the following questions in regards to the Awan brothers:

How is the Awan brothers investigation going?

How many different congressional representatives were hit?

Do we know what kind of info was stolen?

Any arrests yet?

Do we know if any classified information was stolen?

This investigation into the Awan brothers has received zero attention in the media although it would appear to be a scandal of immense proportions.

“…[A] Titanic-like leak, this makes Watergate look like a bathtub compared to the ocean.” –George Webb (Day 129)

The Awan brothers were fired for being illegally in (monitoring/hacking into) the files of congressional representatives. Webb states that at least 20 congressional representatives have had hard-drives or thumb-drives stolen.

Criticism of Webb’s Investigation

In this climate of information, misinformation and disinformation it can be very difficult to decipher fact from falsehood. As we have seen, Pizzagate investigator promoter David Seaman has been called out as a shill for his complete lack of any investigative work and constant victim-hood M.O. There are shills at work on every platform and outright censorship on others such as Twitter, Reddit, YouTube and Facebook.

Inevitably, Webb is not immune to criticism. One of the main points made by his critics is that Webb has stated that he doesn’t want to see arrests. He simply wants all of the dirty laundry to be exposed through the release of the 650,000 Clinton and State Department emails. By doing so, Webb believes that the illegal rat-lines of drugs/sex/organ/weapons will ultimately come to an end once exposed. For many, this is not good enough. Illegal, murderous and treasonous acts have been committed on a massive scale and those responsible must be held accountable under the law. Some argue that just like any other US citizen those involved must be prosecuted for their crimes.

Still others have pointed to George Webb’s admission that he is a full supporter of Israel and a “Zionist”. Being an admitted Zionist raises flags for some who have been following his investigative series on YouTube for the past few months. There are those who claim that Webb wants to steer people away from any evidence that would implicate Israel in the investigation.

Personal Opinion

George Webb’s investigation is the most thorough and comprehensive of any theory being put forth in regards to crimes at the Clinton Foundation and the State Department. It is also the most expansive, with the investigation implicating multiple government agencies, NGOs, and corporate actors spanning across decades. Webb should be commended for his commitment to sourcing all of the information he brings into the investigation.
Should we criticize Webb’s work? Absolutely, we should. We should examine the evidence and point out flaws.

One of Webb’s greatest strengths is that he will admit when he’s wrong. On multiple occasions he has stated that his theory is 80% fact and 20% working theory and he goes where the evidence leads him. And the evidence has lead him to areas he wishes it hadn’t (organ harvesting, pizzagate, etc.).

George is not afraid to admit when he’s wrong and he takes new information provided by his viewers and informants and reformulates his theories. This has happened on multiple occasions throughout his investigation, a clear example being the change of title from the original “Where is Eric Braverman?” Early on in the investigation, he believed that Braverman (former CEO of Clinton Foundation) had found evidence of corruption at the foundation and subsequently resigned as CEO. During the run-up to the presidential election, it was reported that Braverman had taken refuge at the Russian Embassy in fear of being eliminated. In this way, Webb believed that Braverman was a sort of ‘white knight’ caught up in the corruption at the Foundation. However, it later turned out that Braverman was not only alive but would be heading the Google Foundation. Webb also discovered Braverman’s husband was a Oil pipeline expert and changed course to focus more of his investigation on Haiti and the death of Monica Petersen.

Source: Zerohedge

In my mind, Webb is being provided insider information from sources within the CIA, FBI, and/or DHS who cannot go through official channels to get the information to the public. It’s inconceivable that George could come up with such a theory all on his own sitting at his laptop.

Obviously, I support Webb’s efforts and have great respect for what he’s doing. I want to see an end to the endemic corruption in Washington and these horrific rat-lines. However, I differ with Webb in that I want to see true justice served. The Clinton Cartel and all the conspirators involved should be prosecuted and imprisoned for life.

EDIT: Title should be Awan Brothers

Addition source:

Day 128: Part 1 (of 3)

Day 128: Part 2 (of3)

Day 127: Part 2


I have been on the fence in regards to his describing himself as Zionist-Lite. A couple of ways I have explained it to myself are as follows: 1) He is providing 95% legit things with 5% misdirection (away from the Zionist agenda). 2) (As an extension of 1) - with the intention of a) best disinfo campaign ever, b) misdirecting the Zionists who are almost certainly following his presentations, or c) leaving it to the viewers to call out the ignored "elephant in the room"...i.e. the Zionist side of the coin being appraised. B) in particular seems like a good 'life-insurance-policy'...and would be the other side of the "5% misdirection" coin.

My initial impression was that he either was former FBI/CIA/intelligence agent or getting leaks from same. Regardless, there is a LOT of great info he is getting out. It is up to us, collectively, to separate the wheat from the chaff.


edit: clarity

Great comments, he mentioned being involved in the Christmas Tree bombing plot where a young Muslim man was set up by intelligence agents. I believe it was in Oregon, but not 100%. The FBI had essentially built the explosive device for him and he was going to be charged with 'terrorism'. Webb has alluded to this several times and also mentions having a run in with JTTF and the FBI's #2 man McCabe. So, he probably is former FBI.

I'm with you on the Zionist admission. The bottom line is that this network HAS to be dismantled. I think if you looked into anyone's past you will find all sorts of things for criticism. So, we should also be careful not to get carried away trying to find flaws in the character of investigators, we need to stick to the quality, and verifiability, of the information being providing.

In this climate of information, misinformation and disinformation it can be very difficult to decipher fact from falsehood.

That's the bottom line in The Information War. This is a great blog, thanks for writing it!

I'm adding it to my list compilation for today.

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