in #pizzagate7 years ago

Jaguars are incredibly powerful animals and many psychics gravitate towards their medicine. It's no wonder why. There is no better time to invite this animal into your life as a guide and/or teacher.

Jaguar Medicine and Totem Teaching

The Jaguar’s medicine includes seeing the roads within chaos and understanding the patterns of chaos, moving without fear in the darkness, moving in unknown places, shape shifting, psychic vision, facilitating soul work, empowering oneself, reclaiming power. source : <

Jaguar is mainly about Integrity - 'the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness." Something we could all use more of!

Brother Jaguar reminds us to not waiver in our resolves to be our own personal best at all times. To remember to maintain our dignity, devotion, and compassion no matter what contrary influences surround us is another lesson we learn from the totem spirit of Jaguar. The totem of Jaguar teaches us that personal integrity will always allow for mistakes, embraces forgiveness, and to humbly make corrections of self to keep a balance in our spirit. source : <

More about Jaguar. Contrary means the medicine is out of balance, and offers how to remedy or upright the medicine.

Since the death of Skygod, the god-like being who had come from the stars and led the Maya to prosperity and a golden era of spiritual understanding, his teachings of love, integrity, impeccability, and the power of a compassionate heart had been perverted. The distortion of his Jaguar teachings had degenerated to where the priests were sacrificing human beings, foolishly cutting out the victims’ heart to reclaim the power of the golden days of the empire. Forgotten was the authentic power of the honorable and loving heart in the Skygod’s teachings.
The great Jaguar Spirit, who was Skygod’s totem, roamed the dreams of the Maya, looking for any dishonorable behavior. Misdeeds and abuses of power had diminished the spirit of the Maya and needed to be sacrificed for the survival of the people. The priests, who had abused the authority and power bestowed on them, quaked with fear knowing that the day of reckoning had come. Jaguar brought justice by stalking their dreams and devouring their flagrantly dishonorable and greedy misdeeds.
Jaguar medicine is integrity and impeccability. Its mission is to devour the unclean aspects of human behavior. Jaguar teaches us the penalties of the inappropriate behavior and offers the rewards of good medicine to those who stand in their personal integrity adn walk through life in a n impeccable manner.
If Jaguar is roaming your dream/reality today, its primal roar may be rewarding you for maintaining your integrity in some situation where you could have easily misused your authority. You may have been unwilling to pass judgment on another, or to be self-serving. Were you especially kind to someone or do a good deed that was unexpected? If so, allow the recognition to fill you with feelings of well-being and continue to serve with compassion and openhearted integrity.
Do not falter in your resolve to be your personal best at all times. Maintain your dignity, devotion, and compassion, holding to forthrightness and honesty, no matter what the contrary influence. do not feed any self-important need to be an “enlightened one,” treating others in a self-righteous manner. Jaguar medicine teaches you taht personal integrity allows for mistakes, embraces forgiveness, and humbly makes self-directed corrections, allowing a rebalanced spirit to triumph once again.
If Jaguar is hanging upside-down fromt eh tree limb today, you may have created an enlightenment trap for yourself. Has the misuse of authority kept you from walking your path with impeccability? Have you betrayed your personal integrity to accommodate others? Are you engaged in some activity that lessens your potential? If so, call your spirit or energy back. Integrity requires a forgiving and open heart. Compassion and mercy are also needed. Self-blame or pointing fingers at others only shows your own lack of integrity.
In the contrary, Jaguar always warns you to correct any need to control others, any abuses of influence, any form of manipulation, moralistic judgments, dishonesty, hidden agendas, envy, greed, or victim-like jealousy that may be affecting your life. If you have slipped allowing a temporary lapse in impeccability to compromise your integrity, you need to rectify your misdeeds. Jaguar reminds us, “Become impeccable, use integrity,and you will thrive!”
Source : <

I don't think I need to explain why I posted this in pizzagate and trump. Lions (and especially Jaguars) aren't concerned with the opinions of sheep. Are you? Sometimes I am.... and then I remember the bigger picture. And the importance of the Jaguar.

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