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RE: Secret Pedophile Playground Discovered. Alefantis threatens mother & girlfriend in writing. Screenshots of chat.

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

The text message screen caps do not appear to have been created by a fake app. I only mention that because it was my first suspicion, so I checked a few out and none show a yellow band on the battery at 17%, all are red. Not that it's any real proof or anything, just an observation.

Edit : Disregard, I see now that this was on FB, not text messages as it appears.


After watching the video for the second time, I've realized that there are two different medium of messaging exchanges between Alefantis & O'Neil : the first one with Messenger (Facebook), and the second one by texting started by the owner of Comet Pizza after Ryan called him.

It's very odd that Alefantis would engage anyone like this. With his money, I would assume he has a decent lawyer who's informed him how to respond to these accusations. Either way, he's an idiot for responding or contacting this person in anyway whatsoever. But, people do stupid stuff all the time.

That said, it's a little hard to fathom someone being capable of hiding a pedo ring in their biz while at the same time showing the self control of a 15 year old when it comes to this exchange. This entire exchange just seems very odd to me personally. It's a little hard to accept as realistic, even with the "proof" it came from JA's facebook.

We have no proof it was JA speaking to him (that I'm aware of) nor that it was JA typing to him on FB or in text. Someone else could have access to that account or it could have been hacked. That's not defending JA, it's just reality.

This guy selling merchandise is also a bit troubling. I don't know anything about him or how long he's been on this scene, but right off the bat I'm a little suspicous of this scenario and look forward to more information coming out.

He's done a good job so far, but there are still holes and it still could be disinfo to discredit those looking into it. Who knows. One thing I will never doubt is the fact that there is a giant pedo problem in our (and other) government(s)/churches and the world as a whole and I hope they all get eradicated with severe prejudice (by lengthy jail time). And we all know what happens to pedo's in jail.

Totally agree with you. I, too, can't help but to feel very cautious about this episode. To me, Alefantis looked fairly in control of the situation so far when we saw him in the media or when he offered a guided visit of the restaurant to a protester, so why would he suddenly snap like this going ''Welch style'' on one of his critiques.

On the other hand, I wouldn't say selling merchandise is troubling, but it's surely open for debate as to the ethics of profiteering or not from possible children suffering. I know that organized pedophilic crimes exists among upper society, just still not calling #pizzagate to be the case yet.

Bonjour Eric. I didn't realize you were French speaking till now. Tu vas bien?
Please watch Bombard's body language video on Alefantis. She notes his usual demeanour is that of a flamboyantly gay man - from body language signals. She noted how it is not normal for him to be controlled yet he was very controlled in the Megyn Kelly interview. The man's natural state is to be "camp", spontaneous and extravagant. (which means volatile, unstable and emotional - all personality traits have negative flip sides)

Someone else pointed out today that they had a great example of Alefantis threatening the guy who claimed he was murdering people at Comet about 2 yrs ago. he is NOT a nice guy.

His behavior in that text exchange shows clear signs of borderline personality disorder. One moment he's sending Ryan kisses and flattering him and the next he is ominously posting pics of his mom and girlfriend and telling him he is on the edge of destruction. I'm not even mentioning the verbal threats we have no evidence for yet.

Oui, ça va bien. Et toi?

Do you also speak French? What language is gizmosia? Is it a word or a name?

Just watch the two Bombard's video you are talking about. As a conclusion, she says #pizzagate is only a story to shut free speech (or alt. media) down. Don't know how she came to the conclusion he is the flamboyantly gay man type, but I doubt it's only by looking at the body language in the videos. The only three vids I know of showing Alefantis are:

  1. The media scrum after Welch went to the restaurant
  2. The Megan Kelly soft ball (and right down the middle of the plate) interview
  3. The guided tour for the protester clip

And in all three vids he generally has a serious demeanor. Watching all the Washington Life Magazine's photos (I believe all taken by Tony Powell who I saw has commented at least once on Alefantis' Facebook page) is another story. He does act flamboyantly gay for these still images of ''haute bourgeoisie to rich'' partys.

All in all, I find synergology to be interesting but not an exact science. I also don't believe in lie detectors.

And yes, I agree he was very pushy and manipulative in his texting.

Ever had too much wine?

Salut j'espéré que je ne vous déranges pas trop car je vient juste de voir
votre profil sur et je vois que vous étre la bonne personne qu'il me faut et qui mérite cet offre. Mon nom est LOPEZ Endrea je suis d'origine française mais je vie en Italie depuis 20 ans a cause de mon mari qui est d'origine italienne. Je souffre d'une maladie qui me conduire juisqu'a la mort et je dispose d'une somme de 60 000 euros dont je voudrais faire une donation a une personne de confiance et d'honnête afin qu'il en fasse bon usage. je suis propriétaire d'une société d'importation d'accessoires automobiles. Donner une part de 10% aux enfants orphelins de sa région juste pour la bénédiction du seigneur apres ma mort. J'ai perdu mon mari il y a cela 7 ans,on a pas enfant ce qui ma beaucoup toucher le coeur et j'ai pas pu me remarier juisqu'a ce jour parce que j'aime trop mon mari. Je voudrais faire de cette somme un don avant ma mort puisse que mes jours son compté faute de cette maladie au quelle je n'est pas pu avoir de remède pour ma maladie. Je voudrais savoir par la suite si vous voulez vraiment bénéficiez de ce don. voici mon adresse mail: [email protected]
Je vous prie de me répondre.

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