Spitting Truth w/ Titus Show 4: PizzaGate / PedoGate, ElsaGate, Russian Hacking, Deep State Exposed

in #pizzagate7 years ago

Spitting Truth w/ Titus Show 4: PizzaGate / PedoGate, ElsaGate, Russian Hacking, Deep State Exposed

This is the fourth episode of Spitting Truth with Titus. We will discuss many topics from PizzaGate to ElsaGate, Seven Super Girls, elite pedophile networks, the "HoneyTrap". We expose the Deep State aka the Shadow Government for almost 3 hours. This is a must watch episode. We also discuss Seth Rich and I show people to sign the below linked petition.

Many many topics were discussed over 2 hours and forty minutes.

Please Enjoy the LiveStream on YouTube:

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Call to Action, Sign the Seth Rich Petition:

Seth Rich Petition: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/appoint-special-prosecutor-investigate-murder-seth-rich

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This #elsagate shit is a bit of a mindfuck. What is going on with that?

I don't know but it is really weird. It is clearly aimed at children and it's full of sexual innuendos, etc.

hey man, good piece today-Missed the live stream :/
https://steemit.com/parenting/@ancientmystique/ancient-mystique-something-weird-is-going-on-on-youtube-parents-beware-pedogate-elsagate Did a piece on this and have been trying to get the msg out for almost a week!!!! what in the actual fuck have we found??
IMO, it seems like a repetitive programming MKultra BS.....
It even shows up in KidsTube!!!!

It's crazy, thanks for the write up I am going to re-steem it. I have no idea why this is happening other than people figured out a way to creepily make money while endangering kids.

The repetitiveness is something to be noted though.....It seems like a massive programming operation....Thats what it smells like anyway... <3 thanks for reading man

Wait, can't it's been 7 days already since you posted. I would have re-steemed this if I saw it earlier. Good work though.

"Spittin' Truth Causing Glitches in the Matrix"

Hahahah! Love it mate ;]

Thanks yeah, thought it made sense as I am trying to break down the information matrix if you will.

Thank you! I will enjoy the LiveStream!

Our nation is jacked up in so many ways. How can our government operate and still cover so many conspiracies?

Lolz, I'm scared the tomato ghost is here.

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