David Seaman Interview: Unify Against Google, PizzaGate, #QAnon, and more - DTUBE Version

in #pizzagate6 years ago

DTUBE Film Summary

This is the highly anticipated interview between David Seaman and myself. David and I are the two leading independent Journalists who covered "PizzaGate" and unfortunately we got off track and engaged in a drama fest against each other for no reason. Well we have now both been silenced by Google and instead of letting them win, we have decided to put the drama aside and to unite together against the real enemy Google and their pedophile friends they were protecting by silencing PizzaGate to the best of their ability.

This interview was really great, it was very nice to discuss a wide range of topics about PizzaGate, QAnon, Crypto Currencies, Blockchain Tech, and more with David.

If David and I can get over our little drama fest to unify against the real enemy, then anyone else can as well. If you are real, and you want actual justice, take our lead and let's unify the truth movement against google and the illuminati.

Huge Thanks to my Guest!

You can find David's Work on the following platforms since YouTube and Twitter banned him:

His Website: https://www.fulcrumnews.com/
Gab.ai: https://gab.ai/d_seaman
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@fulcrum-news
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/fulcrumnews/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FulcrumNews/

Thanks again to my guest and I hope to continue working with him in the future! Let's hope next time we can interview eachother about how Podesta is in jail!

P.S. Please do NOT Shush Susan!

She may be in charge of the company who provides the best example of 1984 memory holing ever in existence, and she may silence thousands of other people, especially men. However if you are a man, and you like to shush people, please, please do not shush Susan.


Thanks so much for watching on DTUBE! We are slowly killing Themtube!

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    It is amazing to see the efforts of other media to de-legitimize this case. Efforts dictated by those who use them of course. But you and I know that these vile inhuman acts done to baby teens unfortunately take place. Worst blind and one who does not want to see However happy are the ignorant Because the truth has a nauseating bitter taste when one deepens the subject Pizzagate...Thanks for your effort to expose these inhuman practices..

    nice interview... your knowledge about different things like the Jesuit's.. Podesta's pig farm etc. kept the interview running... Seaman NEVER did any research himself.. he always has used the work from other's to benefit..his opinion on banning the Venezuela crypto, mentioning Cernovich, Alex Jones...to get his channel bterminated proofs nothing.. this guy imo is still a bs artist. .. I wish I would have downloaded his video with the title : "Obama just threw Israel under the bus".. I don't know if it's good when character's like Seaman get "whitewashed". Thanks for share @titusfrost i wish your success.

    Would be nice to have a view count here on d.tube

    As shocking as it was, it was good to see! Nice to see a truce, although some of the disagreements were hilarious!
    Seaman has always been one to poke fun at, but now that we have Goofman, we can let him off the hook!

    Highly rEsteemed!
    This was really a great talk. More impressed with both of you gentlemen now that you've set aside the Drama. Hope to see some collaborative investigations in the future and a Great deal more SteemIt related media. Kind regards and SteemON!

    Bacon Chill.jpeg

    I'm not a big fan of David Seaman, but it's great that you two can come together and side with the first amendment. Definitely a lot of drama going on with alternative media, but regardless of everyone's opinions, it's great to band together against this unfair censorship. Great interview!

    Always informative...thanks man

    Good interview, DS is a good talker but you are the better walker. IMHO he is acting like a spoiled brat, constantly crying about what YT did to him and how he will not work to rebuild his lost audience.

    memo to DS: A lot of people older than you have started from square one after devastating setbacks and come back more successful than before... Think Frank Sinatra for one. He now says that he is shutting down his Fulcrum News site because they are receiving little or no financial support, posting screenshots of the monthly statements which show zero income. Instead of bitching and whining he should work harder at providing relevant content and commentary to his "lost " audience... They are still out there David, you need to quit complaining and double your efforts.

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