New Sexual Assault (Sodomy) Accuser Emerges Against Dennis HastertsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #pizzagate7 years ago (edited)

This is a particularly disgusting accusation not merely due to the alleged vile nature of the sexual assault committed against this then 9 year old boy but the ver up that ensured- including tears later. It serves as a prime example of how the powerful are protected by the powerful and continue to get away with these crimes against our children.

According to his accuser in 1973 or 74 Hastert sodomized this young man while he was in a bathroom stall using the bathroom in the Game Farm Building (since then demolished). Apparently the boy didn't know Hastert at the time.

But the terror didn't end there. Apparently Hastert recognized the boy while in gym class- Hastert then took the boy out into the hallway, by the neck, and told him that if he told anyone about the raping that the boy's parents would go to prison.

Later when this young man was 21 he went to the Kendall County State's Attorney's office to report the crime- there he was apparently threatened with being charged for a crime for slandering the child raper (Hastert's) reputation. The complaint was dropped under the threat of charges against the victim.

Dennis Haster case is the poster child example for extending the statute of limitations when it comes to crimes against children. Often times victims are not able to properly deal with this sorts of vile crimes and will even suppress the memories for decades as a psychological defense mechanism.

So here we have a man who allegedly raped at least three boys while being entrusted as a wrestling coach and most likely many others yet he'll face no criminal prosecution.

The one I'd like to see serving a life sentence as well is the prosecutor that threatened the young man with charges if he were to move forward with his complaint against Hastert. Imagine how many more child rapes that vile POS enabled? I certainly hope the lawsuit proceedings reveal who this prosecutor was in the Kendall County's DA office was who ran cover for Hastert- I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that that heartless SOB is raping children as well- I mean who else could muster that sort of sympathy and protection for a child raper entrusted with a position of authority over kids as a teacher and coach?

One of the huge obstacles that we must overcome in ending these crimes against our children is for people to face the very ugly reality of just how extensive this problem is, especially within the halls of power. It's also not merely a mental/criminal disorder issue- it's a religious issue- particularly a Luciferian/Satanist issue where raping, and even torturing and murdering children is engrained in their 'faith' with these vile crimes being sacrificial offerings to the demons they call upon and worship.

I've researched these Luciferians/ Satanist for several years now and my best guess is they comprise 3-5% of the US population. The way in which they remain protected is by the intentionally infiltration of law enforcement, the judiciary, and other institutions specifically designed to protect children. Until people realize the extent of this infiltration that have a hard time grasping how frequent an occurrence these crimes against our children really are- they just cannot grasp that in a normal world these monsters could get away with these crimes on the scale that they do.

Oh and for anyone that doesn't know Hastert and John Podesta are long time friends- imagine that- birds of the same feather.




I had someone , somewhere back in the blockchain try to argue me out of the knowledge that Hastert is a pedophile. How much evidence is enough? He's connected to almost every pedo scandal I've looked into in the USA. I'm just wondering when any real justice is going to come about. When are we going to dispense with the incredulity when it comes to the idea of control freaks in government pursuing control freak pursuits. There were always more pedos among the politicians and law enforcement than among the priesthood. People who seek power, seek all kinds of power, and what more egregious power grab is there than the pedos? This dynamic should not be shocking to anyone, it should be expected. Society needs to, not just prosecute these rapists, but eliminate, entirely, the posts in government that attracts this type of person to have power over others.

I know- it s frustrating how clear that all is to some of us yet others would swear it's no more than a 'conspiracy theory'- it's as if they are severely drugged- intellectual zombies incapable of free thought.

@thelightreports , thanks for the article. Just serves as yet another example of 2 sets of laws, one for them and one for us. Very distrubing how anyone could or would protect anyone who partakes in a crime against children. Thanks for bring this to the forefront, for I am sure there are MANY more cases just like this one that goes untouched.

The Luciferian child rapists/murderers see it as their duty and obligation to protect one another and to keep secret the disgusting dark truth about their 'religion'- until folks are willing to see the systemic nature of this criminal RACKET the problem and the enablers will remain well entrenched.

Hard read, I'll not comment as it would take all day to scratch the surface.
let Justice prevail - some day Please !

Three percent of the population? That is 1 in 33 people.

Yep- that's MILLIONS

I am ready to hear anything now. The solar system has a brown dwarf? Meh... not a big deal. Space aliens are here killing our livestock and abducting us. Meh... maybe the abductees are safer with them.

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