We need to be more objective about #pizzagate - It could be a set up designed to discredit the alternative media

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

I just wanted to post a short message about something that has been troubling me today. While the evidence is overwhelming, there is still no smoking gun that has been uncovered. Based on my own research, I would say that I'm 95% sure this is a genuine scandal, and historically there have been similar scandals which brings some level of credence to the allegations. We must be careful not to jump the gun though.

In a YouTube video I watched last night, it was stated that this "fake news" buzzword started going viral after the pizzagate theory started gaining traction. I know this to be untrue. Obama had previously made a  speech about "Wild West media stations" before pizzagate. This got me thinking..

What if this pizzagate scandal has been fabricated? What if Wikileaks itself has been government controlled the entire time, and they have spent years building up its reputation for this one reason. To completely eradicate any public confidence in the alternative media. What if we have been tricked into believing this so that the establishment will have all they need to justify shutting down each and every alternative media outlet?

At the moment, there are a number of overzealous researchers and outraged citizens who are commenting on suspected paedophile's instagrams and other social media accounts. They are being incredibly abusive and should pizzagate turn out to be a hoax, then there will be a serious backlash.

As I said, I am not far from 100% sure this is real, but I would not bet mine, nor your life on it just yet. We need to be much more objective and halt any abuse or attacks on these people until we find that irrefutable piece of evidence that no one will be able to deny.

To those of you that have been researching this issue, you have my utmost respect and I hope that you continue to do so. Just try to eliminate any bias from your observations and keep an open mind. I will continue my own research also, and if I find anything I deem to be consequential--such as this--I will be sure to post it on here where the blockchain can provide a permanent home for the information.

To any whom did not know, the subreddits relating to pizzagate have been banned so online researchers are congregating at  https://voat.co/v/pizzagate. Visit there to find out more information or to post any that you have uncovered yourselves.

Never give up on the quest for truth.


I have been following the wikileaked emails and the evidence for me points to something is up here. Whether all true or not does not matter and we need not censor the media in any form. That is exactly what mainstream media wants they will tax links on websites so rich media can only afford to post news. We need to fight for freedom of speech!

Like I said, I believe it's genuine too. I'm just exercising a little scepticism as a precaution. If this does turn out to be a hoax then the establishment will have all they need to make reporting the news illegal without a special "license" that of course only those who agree to report whatever they are told to will be able to acquire.

I like conspiracy theories. Those give more or less informative news/stories much more publicity than if they were simply ignored. Conspiracy theories can sometimes give wide variety of viewpoints.

Pizzagate? Really? This is just mass hysteria...a mental viral

What do you mean? Have you looked into it?

It's a conspiracy theory. Maybe there was an underground pedo ring but linking it to satanic ritual abuse which never happened and goverment conspiracy is a far stretch. people enjoy conspiracy theories, the web and intrigue...I dont.

Well now that I know what you meant, I find your first comment to be rather rude. Just because you would prefer to remain ignorant to something rather than look into it to find out for yourself does not mean that you should speak to others in a condescending tone because they took the time to do what you did not.

Yes it's a conspiracy theory, because it is a theory on a conspiracy. The mainstream media have conditioned people to think of someone with a tinfoil hat on their head whenever they hear the words 'conspiracy theorist.'

It was smart really, if you convince society that anyone who searches for truth is a loonie, then others are hesitant to do any research of their own or to even entertain the thought that powerful people might get together behind closed doors and conspire to commit nefarious acts.

If people think that, they are shunned and ridiculed (much like in the tone of your initial post) by those who have been too ignorant to research the matters for themselves.

I honestly am confused about why you have been following me if you are the type that shields himself from the truth, because the majority of my articles touch on this sort of thing.

I challenge you to take fifteen minutes and go look into things for yourself with an open mind. I'm not expecting, nor would I want you to be certain that pizzagate is real after your research. But, I do expect that you will no longer be so certain that it is not. If looking at the evidence you can still postulate that it's 1% a conspiracy, then you, my friend are in denial.

It is a conspiracy. A pagan themed artist as an occult priestess...of course the symbolism isthere, thats what she's doing in her artwork (marina abramovic)

Why do you keep mentioning that? That is irrelevant. Whether the abuse is satanic in nature or not is inconsequential. Pizzagate is about a suspected paedophile ring in Washington DC, which has links to a number of politicians. Which methods they are using to abuse the children doesn't matter to me, and it's not something I would like to think about anyway. It matters only that they may be getting abused, and if we don't research this as much as possible to find our for sure, and to bring those to justice if it is true, then we are guilty of any future suffering.

I'm not arguing if it is a conspiracy theory or not. Not my business, I'm not american. Nevertheless, my question is: who told you this is a conspiracy theory? Can you believe the source which informed you? Could you mention the source?

What does being American have to do with this... all that matters is are you human. Innocent children are certainly being abused in this world; not just in the US and potentially in a highly organized manner, which is why it is a human obligation to investigate and speak up for those who do not have a voice.

Agreed. I'm not American but, I'm still not remaining apathetic to this. Besides, there is historical evidence that shows this has been rampant in many countries, including the UK where I am from.

Being honest, this is an american problem. You cannot claim "nationalist", "america first", and then expect the whole planet care about your politicians. I say "my country first" too, so I give a plain shit what happens in the USA. Or , maybe you expect you in the USA can say "USA first", and everybody else will say too "USA first?". That is 100% american problem now, sir. Don't globalize your problems, keep them into your borders. You're not the only which can build a wall: here in Germany we had a wall much before it was cool. Mexican problems must stay in Mexico, American problems must keep in the USA.

The concept of pizzagate-like news is based on the idea that people will split in two groups, and none of two is available to change their minds, whatever it takes, whatever happens, regardless of anything.

This kinda strategy you mentioned, even if existing, would make exactly zero people to change their minds.

No, if they were doing that then the fake truthers like Alex Jones would be making countless videos and the other "alt right" people like Mark Dice would be all over this.

The emails from Podesta have been analyzed and they are from Podesta's own email accounts according to forensic computer analysis by independent researchers not just wikileaks themselves.

Where wikileaks gets their information from is likely people within the US government that become aware of these atrocities and find when they try to push this up the ladder to hand out indictments and start a real investigation it gets shot down by members of the club who are at the top of these organizations.

What you are seeing is the media using the "fake news story" as cover to hide their crimes while they clean house and hide any evidence and use censorship tactics to shut down the spread of the information.

Again, I am inclined to agree with you. That is almost definitely the case, but unless you witnessed them abusing children with your own eyes then you cannot say that you know for sure.

Thanks to Hillary Clinton, whenever I hear the words 'independent investigator' I just think of a bought-and-paid-for opinion, so I'm not taking that as a definitive piece of evidence either.

Understand that I have stated already I do think it's real. I am only warning to exercise caution because of the potential ramifications should this turn out to be a deception. They have been wanting to get rid of the alternative media for a very long time, and if pizzagate was wrong, they would be able to use the abuse and slander aimed at government officials as an excuse to impose regulations onto news reporting. I have considered that they may introduce a 'journalism license' or something to that affect, meaning that it would become illegal to report on news if you don't have a certificate allowing you to do so. That license would obviously be impossible to obtain unless you are going to report the news that you're told to report and nothing more.

Many think that there is too much evidence for this to be anything other than legitimate, and it certainly seems that way. But, if this was some elaborate hoax do you not think that they would have taken the time to make sure that it was convincing to every one who searches for truth? We know they play the long game, so they could have spent fuck knows how long developing the most intricate of plans that ends with pizzagate being a deception and everyone who was ever considered a conspiracy theorist or a truther would now have zero credibility.

All I'm calling for is a stop to the verbal abuse to the alleged perpetrators. If they are as guilty as we all think they are then let's prove it--irrefutably-- first and then we can grab our pitchforks.

Well, if it does turn out to be an elaborate hoax made up by the government, then i will expose that. That is how we maintain credibility. If we are wrong, we simply admit we made a mistake and move on.

I do agree that your idea does make some sense but only in a very skeptical way. I highly highly doubt that Obama, Hillary and John Podesta want millions of people probably by the time this goes away, thinking they are pedophiles and cannibals. Also we can look at history and see that this is not the case, that things like this have been uncovered before, caused a small firestorm then vanished into the pages of "conspiracy theory" like the "Conspiracy of Silence". So I think there game plan is to be just to discredit the story by calling it fake, and hope this vanishes with time.

But hey, tip of the hat to you for having the critical thinking mind to be willing to say this out loud. I had these same thoughts many times.

I think the historical parallels are what makes it so believable, so that's one of the reasons I believe if they were going to deceive us, a paedophile ring would be the best type of scandal to use to do so.

It's more than likely it's legit though, I'm just going to tread carefully with my accusations until I have no doubt at all.

Have you uploaded any new Youtube videos for me to check out in the past 24 hours?

I do like a healthy bit of skepticism. So I can appreciate your point of view, and I agree all the research that is being done should be verified. However, Pizzagate shows us a huge layer to the corruption and debauchery that has infested Washington. This is a key component of how things work; and has, historically, shown its vial head before. The deep state operates at many levels. Here we see people that are highly comprisable in positions of power and affluence. When the banks and cooperations want things done in Washington they have the most disgusting horrific people that do their bidding. Not just because like attracts like, but because it is key way in controlling the politicians. They can be easily taken down if the don't do exactly as they are told.

Yes, much like we have been conditioned, perhaps the upper-upper class have been conditioned to be into this sick shit so that they would be easy to blackmail? I don't know, but if that's the case then that's perhaps even more terrifying.

Yep. I made a response video to NYTimes article.

I read an astounding technical breakdown and analysis of that article on the new pizza gate thread at voat. Truly exposed the author's pseudo-journalistic attempt at writing an 'objective' piece. I will check out yours after I have eaten though.

You sure sounded 100% positive in your comment in my article...

Seriously, wiki-leaks? man your completely rediculus and I cant believe you wasted your time writing a fucking story on my post, and come to find out this is what goes trough your head?

My post was about the masses condemming people and ruining there lives on a hunch, without the "Factual" evidence to prove it. This post says that you agree with me, yet your comment totally contradicts yourself!
Lay off the drugs, your all over the place

'You sure sounded 100% positive in your comment in my article...'

You're on a roll. Once again your very first sentence is inaccurate. Go back and read it again without your biased glasses on and you will see that the only thing I was 100% of was that you are an idiot.

'Seriously, wiki-leaks? '

How idiotic of me to have m ore trust for Wikileaks, which have a great reputation of always posting legitimate information. You are the one who is once again right here, for trusting in the bought-and-paid-for mainstream media which has been caught lying more times than one could comprehend. If they say pizzagate is fake news then it must be, because they would never lie to the American people at the behest of those who pay their fucking wages.

'My post was about the masses condemming people and ruining there lives on a hunch, without the "Factual" evidence to prove it. This post says that you agree with me, yet your comment totally contradicts yourself!
Lay off the drugs, your all over the place'

Nice try, buddy. It is not I that agrees with you. I wrote this article before you wrote yours. You agreed with me on that issue, and went and made a post about it. Only yours was intended to ridicule others where as mine was intended to help them. Once again, my comment does not contradict me whatsoever. I have consistently maintained the viewpoint that this is most likely legitimate but, we should exercise scepticism. When you read something in future, try to interpret it as it is and not how your mind wants to perceive it.

Okay, I have officially wasted enough time on trying to educate you. Kindly fuck off, sir.

What is a smoking gun evidence?
we are not expecting to find actual bodies on the internet are we? finding connections and following the money as much as the internet allows, we can only go so far. Maybe hiring a private investigator in DC while you're at it.
The podesta email leaks were all smoking guns and bombshells, what happened of it?
Maybe what we have found out until now really is a smoking gun ? maybe this is enough to warrant a investigation, leading to findings that will confirm that this is not just a conspiracy theory.

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