Finding the Finders and how the CIA made a child trafficking cultsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

The "Finders" are a mysterious organization, often referred to as a cult, of which very little is known. Government documents and the mainstream media, however, have both made inquiries into the Finders. In 1987 The New York Times would make one of the first public references to this cult and its connections to child abuse:

Police officials here said today that six disheveled children found in Tallahassee, Fla., might be the offspring of members of a little known cult, but the officials said they had not ruled out the possibility of kidnapping.

Source: Executive Intelligence Review The People's History

See the Pizzagate Wiki's page on The Finders for more info

Special thanks to contributor Truthplease5!


February 4, 1987: "Tallahassee Incident" - 2 suspicious and "well-dressed" men arrested with 6 young, abused children

On February 5, 1987, an inquiry was made from the Tallahassee Police Department to identify two, well-dressed males which had been apprehended along with six children they had been keeping in a van. The adults were arrested for child abuse and identified as Michael Houlihan and Douglas Ammerman, both were both from Washington, D.C.

The children were covered with insect bites, were very dirty, most of the children were not wearing underwear and all of the children had not been bathed in many days.

It would also be found that two of these children were sexually abused.1 The request thus made its way to the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, and further inquiries were made as well as a release to the Washington Post.

Further research: Official investigation into 'Finders', specifically 2 suspicious adults and 6 abused children & ( of text-searchable manuscript taken from a forum

February 8, 1987: Confidential police source source claims D.C. "cult" abducts children for Satanic Ritual Abuse

The Washington Post uncovered records from the U.S. District Court which included unusual testimony from a confidential police source. The source claimed to have been recruited by "a cult" in Washington D.C. called the Finders for "financial reward and sexual gratification" and to "explore satanism". This source would later reveal that the children would also be used in this cults rituals.2

What little is known about the rituals is that they involved animal sacrifice and bloodletting as well as physical, psychological and sexual abuse of children. A critical function within the Finders' rituals would be "brainwashing". Authorities would also find many computers in two Finders compounds located in Tallahassee, Florida and Glover Park in Washington D.C. It was believed that the cult would then subsequently sell the images of the abuse on the child pornography market.3


January 3, 1994: Aftermath of "Tallahassee Incident"

It was reported by U.S. News that in the years after the arrest it would turn out that the Washington D.C. police would drop the case against the two Finders abductors, return the children to their parents, and claimed the acts of the cult, "eccentric -- not illegal."

As the case was dropped so quickly by the D.C. police, it was asserted that perhaps the two Finders members were also part of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). Leader of the Finders, Marion Pettie, would come forward to their defense, however. Pettie would claim the organization had no ties to Satanic Ritual Abuse or child pornography.

Source: U.S. News: Through a Glass, Very Darkly

March 4, 1994: CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is outed by insiders in connection to the Finders

Article on the Finders

I was getting information anonymously. I found.out later that it came from CIA people who were concerned about what had happened.

The CIA has denied any involvement in it, even today. But there is enough documentation to show that children, at a fairly tender age, were being used for sexual purposes, to compromise people, and for the "mind control" non­sense.

Source: (

May 4, 1996: Finders' Keeper: Marion D. Pettie, founder, defends Finders

In appearance, the Finders—mostly middle-aged men, always in dark suits—wouldn’t be out of place managing a local funeral home. But the behavior of the handful of adherents has people wondering whether they arrived by flying saucer. Townspeople say the Finders constantly walk the streets, following people home and taking extensive notes and pictures.

Authorities raided the group’s Glover Park duplex and a warehouse in northeast D.C. and staked out several rural properties outside Culpeper. They seized piles of documents, computers, and software. Nothing illegal was uncovered...

But among all the cryptic inventory, cops found a photo album entitled “The Execution of Henrietta and Igor,” a series of snapshots depicting berobed adults and children slaughtering goats in a wintry woodscape.

One photo depicted giggling toddlers pulling dead kids from a womb (“Baby goats!” ran the caption); another showed a grinning adult presenting a goat’s head to a startled child.

Based in various domiciles around Washington...they played an elaborate “game” run by Pettie, the “Game Caller,’’ traveling the globe as free-lance journalists, computer consultants, and information gatherers.

As it would turn out the leader of the Finders, Marion D. Pettie, was also a Sergeant in the Army during World War II. It would also be revealed that Pettie was the leader of a rapidly dying organization. The Finders were being sued, and they were left with only a few "dysfunctional adults" left as members.

Source: The Washington City Paper (

1998: Marion Pettie "explains" the Tallahassee Incident

Then they were just taking them on a camping trip to Florida. There were four intellectuals with them and they just happen to drive into a park and somebody was suspicious because the two mem were well dressed.

They had four people with them on the trip and they were all well educated, well-balanced people. So I don't think any funny stuff was going on.

Source: Interview with Marion Pettie

Connections to the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)

I was getting information anonymously. I found.out later that it came from CIA people who were concerned about what had happened.

The CIA has denied any involvement in it, even today. But there is enough documentation to show that children, at a fairly tender age, were being used for sexual purposes, to compromise people, and for the "mind control" non­sense

Source: Executive Intelligence Review

Author Mark Riebling skirts the topic in his 1994 book, Wedge: The Secret War Between the FBI and CIA: “Just before Christmas 1993, both agencies were embarrassed by a Justice Department investigation into whether the CIA had improperly used the FBI to cover up its connections to a computer-training cult called Finders...

Apparently, the Finders did work during the ’80s for the government on a computer project, but only as private firm on contract; nevertheless, authorities say the case hasn’t been closed by any means: “The Finders matter is still an open investigation,” says John Russell, spokesperson for the Justice Department.

Source: Washington City Paper


The Finders are the sane group Julian Assange grew up in. Called the Family in Australia.

Good catch...

Upvoat, resteemed, and shall be linked to in a post I'm currently working on.

Thank you! The historical evidence is staggering, but even this small compilation was compelling.

There are some sick people in this world that we live in...... :(

Thank you for spreading the word.

Thanks for the support!

very interesting....reminds me of the movie "men in black".......

A cult full of suited, mysterious dudes who work for the CIA and wash brains. Sounds movie-worthy.

real life is stranger than any science fiction movie...including 'Dark city' haha

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