More Skuzzy Tamera Luzzatto links, including former Exec Dir of Zynga offering video of naked infant for "premium subscribers"

in #pizzagate7 years ago

Kindly Reader,

It's time for another journalistic journey to the dark recesses of humanity/internet. And this one is a doozy.

Not all that long ago on Voat, someone posted a link to the infamous Evie's Crib blog, run by one Tamera Luzzatto (and former Clinton staffer) about an oddly-worded blog post.

Generally speaking, if Jack were the beloved child of Ken and Stephanie, then the word "owned" wouldn't be used, as "owned" implies ownership of property. But sometimes people use odd phrases without it being all insidious. But then there's THIS. and it's a lot harder to excuse as being something innocent spun into a terrible, horrible meaning.

Note the maple leaf-shaped "censor" covering up Wee Jack's bits. Ken Weber is from Canada, famous for hockey, poutine, and it's maple leaf emblazoned flag. Ergo, I think Jack's dad is an exploitative sack o'shit. Oh, wait, you didn't click on that last link? It's a naked baby during bathtime with some salacious word usage.

After all, who offers videos of naked babies to "premium subscribers"? These people do. Just like Tamera Luzzatto offered online access to her step-granddaughter, "raw and uncut." And maybe I'm just a raging cuntasaurus, but anyone who defends the exploitation of children, especially for money, are fucking enablers of child abuse.

Let's take a quick look at these "entrepreneurial souls" who don't mind making money off a wee baby.

Ken Weber has quite the resume, including being Executive Director of the gaming platform, Zynga. Zynga's founding head honcho, Marc Pinkus, is associated with a pedo-friendly forum. It makes me wonder if Zynga had a workplace culture of enabling fucked up shit. Also should be noted that in October 2016 (round about the time of the Podesta leaks) that Ken started a "wealth management firm" based out of Portland, Or. He's got lots of ties to various video game platforms, a pilot, Google, and the DNC on his FB friends list.

Here's my favorite screenshot: DNC's Neera Tanden (of Podesta leaks fame) and someone from Goldman Sachs in. such. close. proximity. What a lovely, illustrative co-inky-dink. (DNC's lust for money and favoritism toward Wall St)

Stephanie Copeland has many interesting friends on her Facebook; we're talking people at prominent Ivy League schools, employees of FB and Twitter, ties to movie production, and more. Lots of ties to the DC area.

Aside from the blatant offer of naked baby footage for "premium subscribers" (which indicates an exchange of money for access to view video) there isn't much eyebrow raising stuff I could find. But that itself is enough for most decent folk to shout "what the fuck?" as to why this is allowed to happen.

It's not like the NSA, CIA, and FBI doesn't have the technology to hunt that shit into extinction-- oh wait... they do. Yet it still goes on, unhindered. We must ask ourselves why, and what we can do to remedy the situation.

tl;dr :
Former Hillary Clinton staffer, Tamera Luzzatto, links to a blog featuring an infant. The father of the infant, Ken Weber (and former Zynga executive director), offers full access video of his naked child to "premium subscribers."

And people have the audacity to suggest that researchers are reading too much into things, ignoring the red flags that pop up everywhere around the Clinton camp (in addition to other political entities; the Clintons do not have a monopoly on shady shit in DC)

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