DNC, Podesta Emails, and Pizzagate- a primer for the awakening | Part One: It Started With A Leak

in #pizzagate7 years ago

primer for the awakening.png

If you don’t recall, it all started with a leak. Not a hack. The difference being that a leak is from someone on the inside of the organization/group/what have you. A hack comes from an outside source. There is a distinct difference. It's akin to the difference between a librarian giving you a book at the library after hours, or some dude who broke through the wall to access the books. Despite that difference and how it’s been parlayed in the news media, it doesn’t negate the information itself. It seems as though people can’t understand that or choose not to, probably due to whatever misbegotten bias that clouds judgment and want of access to facts. It’s easier to go with the flow rather than think for oneself. Harsh? Yes. But also true. Critical thinking is something a lot of people in America don’t indulge in; maybe it’s easier to block the thought of shady shit happening under our watch rather than face the truth that we live in a society rife with violence of all kinds, and that violence against children is to be expected, thus ignored when it happens. Because, oh, the clutching of pearls doesn’t happen with enough vigor, in my opinion, when it comes to kids being preyed upon. It’s a distasteful topic, but that’s no excuse to not address the damn issue. What ignoring does is enable that abuse to continue. And that’s what it’s become whether we like it or not.

What was revealed in the Podesta and DNC leaks went from outrage from the wronged electorate, beyond the land of irate and firmly entrenched in the Land of Really Fucking Pissed, and locales consisting of map-laden handkerchiefs, weird connotation around pizza, and specifically a pizza maker with a very questionable Instagram.

Not content with mere Americanized Italian food, that Instagram account featured (before going private) infants and toddlers with comments involving slang terms such as “hotard” ...

... and alluding to pedophilia with tags such as “chicken lover.”

Employees of his posted images depicting things such as 69ing on a slice of pizza,

or two men sucking on "pizza" inviting people to come down to the now-famous Comet Ping Pong Pizza.

Said pizza slinger himself posted a “new logo” which jokingly advertised the restaurant as “ Comet Long Dong Pizza.”

And despite his many media interviews, said pizza slinger not once has ever addressed those photos and comments. Strange advertising for a supposedly “family restaurant”, and not one news anchor or media person asked him. And that’s without getting into the “all ages shows” for bands such as Sex Stains and Heavy Breathing.

I don’t know, maybe parenting is different in DC. Not sure I’d want my kids going to concerts by bands with names referencing coitus. Never thought myself as particularly prude, however I do feel that kids should enjoy being kids since they have the rest of their lives to be adults. I digress.

Why is the media so eager to pass things off as everything being just peachy when something obviously is not? Well, that my friend, is a weird journey to the bowels of what we once knew as civilization. It’s not hyperbole to say that there’s something incredibly wrong with America today. It didn’t happen overnight. This deliberate entropy (hey, when people will stand in a line overnight for a phone or movie tickets but can’t be bothered to vote on local issues, one cannot say consumerism is just fine for a civilization, ya know what I mean?) has given way to a breaking point: we either survive or we don’t.

It sounds dire. That’s because it is. And just like the example above about the pizza slinger, the media has acted as a fog to keep us from getting actual answers, in lieu of literal fake news. There’s a pattern at work. Something happens and then something else happens which shifts attention away from the first and very important issue (not to imply issue number two isn’t important, but the timing does seem contrived) which is left forgotten in the past, unadressed.

Want another example of what I mean? Those who actually research Pizzagate do not define it as Hillary Clinton and ilk selling children off in the basement of a DC pizzeria. That’s the media’s interpretation, a deliberate falsehood meant to seem so ludicrous that it has to be bullshit. Those examples of sexualized children posted on Instagram by someone with multiple ties to the DNC (from cooking with the Podesta brothers, to hosting a fundraiser for Hillary’s campaign, to dating David Brock of Correct the Record fame) cited above— that was the beginning of the phenomenon known as Pizzagate. All the researchers want are answers instead of avoiding the issue and fixating on the latest scandal as a society-endorsed razzle-dazzle magic hands of distraction. Because, if you haven’t noticed, the news media does that an awful lot.

I’ve been researching this shite since the Podesta leaks. When learning how corrupted the system was (hey, if Hillary was chosen in 2014 to be the Democrat’s nominee for 2016, going so far as to make the then-head of DNC her aspiring vice president, and having her 2008 campaign manager take the now-vacant DNC position, why even have a primary? It’s just theater and a waste of money in a nation burning with income inequality. Don’t believe me? Read their emails, verified by Google as being authentic. This is fact. It’s not comfortable to think the primaries are nothing but an interactive puppet show to keep the plebes calm) my faith in the current political system crashed. And with the strange discoveries regarding the pizza slinger and half that block in DC decorated in pedophile-friendly symbols (Besta Pizza’s logo featured a pizza slice with a triangle-inside-a-triangle, which is a symbol associated with “boy lovers” per a 2007 FBI document which shows the various symbols and what they are associated with. An art store/bistro down the street, Terrasol, had a heart-within-a-heart symbol; that’s “girl lovers.” Their website also featured a photo of Hillary visiting the storefront. Again, murky connections worthy of a side-eye.) one has to wonder just how the sexualization of children is common in our nation’s capital, hidden under our noses.

If you’re “With Her” then you’re going to hate this. Sorry. Facts say one thing while news pundits comfort you with lies. Here’s a note for budding critical thinkers: if someone tells you not to investigate something, it’s probably because they’re trying to hide something. People concerned with informing people of the truth will often tell you to do your own research and come to your own conclusions; I.e. don’t depend on the words of others because those fuckers might be lying. Like I said, you very well may be put off by the notions I write about. That’s fine. You can bail out on this treatise at any time and it won’t hurt my feelings. You’re entitled to your own opinion and your own ignorance. If you choose to be willfully ignorant about that, fine. That's on you, not me.

This is hardly the first time Hillary has brushed elbows with questionable folk. From her time as Secretary of State, there’s a treasure trove of iffy shit that a good portion of the population doesn’t know or doesn’t give a shit about… because if they did genuinely care, why would they have insisted on voting for a war-mongering, human trafficker-socializing, pedophile ambassador protecting, national security violating, FOIA-avoiding, under multiple FBI investigations candidate? Has American society sunk so low as to elevate someone so callous toward the rule of law?

As Secretary of State, Clinton did some ballsy things. For five years, there was no State Department Inspector General; that’s the longest that post had been vacant in the history of our nation and thus hardly a brag-worthy accolade. Then there was the time she covered up for a pedophilia-oriented ambassador, Howard Gutman. Then her personal Secret Service detail is known for it’s love of whores. Then there’s the whole Giustra thing, where one of the Directors of the Clinton Foundation, Frank Guistra, bought an uranium mine and sold it to Russia— that’s Uranium One. Oh, should be noted that Guistra charity also sports a “boy lover” triangle in it’s logo…the charity being one that works with underprivileged kids. I think my personal favorite is inviting court-documented human trafficker, Ghislaine Maxwell, to Chelsea’s wedding. Maxwell, for the uninitiated, is the right-hand woman to Jeffery Epstein. Epstein is famous for bringing celebrities, society elites, and politicians from around the world to his private island. Oh, and those girls Ghislaine Maxwell was documented trafficking went to that island. Oh, and let’s not forget Bill Clinton is listed having traveled on Epstein's jet (referred to as “Lolita Express”) at least twenty-six times. Listed in Epstein’s Black Book, is Doug Band and Cheryl Mills, Bill and Hillary’s respective minions.

Where I grew up, there’s an old adage: “You are who you surround yourself with.”
What does it say about Hillary Clinton that she surrounds herself with human traffickers and covers for kiddy-diddlers?

Now ponder this: what did the Electoral College know that made them choose Trump instead of the establishment darling? What could have been so damning about Clinton that the Electoral College would rather stake a crap shoot on Trump rather than hand Clinton the presidency? Could it have been her ties? It’s not like pedophilia isn’t unheard of in the hallowed halls of Washington DC; from the White House Call Boy Scandal of the 80’s, to Podesta buddy, Dennis Hastert, there’s a lot of icky things associated with the gather of wealth and power. And it makes sense; when one has access to anything, one can get jaded quickly. Then comes debauchery as a means for getting shits and giggles. This has been documented in the history of humanity, time and again. Want a prime example? Easy, peasy.

Caligula’s uncle Tiberius was renown for his pedo-happy ass running amok on his island getaway of Capri. He’s documented to being in a swimming pool and having his young playthings, referred to as “minnows” swim underwater and nibble on his “bait.” That’s tippy top of the Ewww tree when it comes to depraved shenanigans the Romans participated in; frescoes discovered in brothels depict all sorts of sex acts, from pedophilia to bestiality, which served as a menu of sorts, for the clients to choose from.

That’s the path our nation’s elite are heading down, whether we like it or not. How do I know this? Because it doesn’t outrage enough people that those who’ve been documented trafficking in the flesh of our daughters and sons, are openly invited to participate in the lives of those supposedly representing The People, that those politicians have no shame in being associated with pedophiles and child molesters. That they don’t really give a shit if we kill each other off, because it leaves more for them. That America’s health system is how we determine social status; those with don’t have to fear bankruptcy or choose between utility bills or medication for the month.

That is how I know America has become the New Rome, and I hate to break it to you, but it didn’t happen on Trump’s watch. If anything, he’s brought a spotlight on the cronyism and corruption of Washington DC.


Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Relevance: Exposing Nations Elite
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