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RE: Rudy Guiliani Speak Out - Looks to be Fake

in #pizzagate8 years ago

I thought he had no official, verified account?

I'm confused why "truthers" seem less interested in evidence based factual truth than in spreading sensationalist posts which play on human fear.

Yes, it seems possible powerful, corrupt people are evil and doing bad things. This isn't evidence for that. Spreading this information is similar to being duped as controlled opposition. The conversation gets marginalized becuase those talking about it seem more interested in stories than in facts.


Snopes is a democrat backed fake site. It is totally unreliable. Here is a link showing bias for Clinton on Snopes:
We have plenty of evidence that a pizza place anywhere else in America would have already been investigated. Ok if it is was a false account sorry for that. This was the first I heard of it. At this point Snopes is a joke as well as every other MSM news site. Look I care about facts and evidence, but since the MSM, FBI, DC police, and Homeland Security refuse to do their job we the people have to. Sorry if I mistakenly got duped. Anon just found real evidence on one of the Alefantis' instagram friends server. Yes pizzagate is real, but keep attacking the ones who are trying to find out the truth while the authorities sit around twiddling their thumbs.

So "Snopes is a joke" and yet their reporting on this issue was completely accurate?

Let's make judgements about actual truth claims based on facts and evidence, not about biases one way or the other. Judging the source instead of the content is a genetic fallacy and hinders the ability find "truth."

Reply to your Edit:

I'm not intending to "attack" anyone. I'm attempting to improve the epistemology of those engaged in the discussion. Crying out for truth in journalism while at the same time re-sharing anything and everything which might remotely support your position seems not only hypocritical, but hugely counter productive to the goal of bringing truthful, unbiased attention to serious issues. I want the alternative media to be taken seriously. I want their evidence to be sound. I want it so obvious that those still watching mainstream media will have no choice but to realize how often they are being manipulated via lies and propaganda.

Unfortunately, when the opposing views involve completely fabricated stories started by fake twitter accounts spreading information that can easily be debunked in a matter of moments, let alone thrown out with some basic logic (i.e. "Does Rudy Guiliani even have a verified Twitter account? If he were spreading this information publicly, has he also scheduled a press release or a news conference?").

I'm more on your side than you probably realize. I too want truth, justice, and a world safe for children. I also want violators of the non-aggression principle held accountable for their aggression against innocent victims. What discourages me is how easy people searching for truth can be fooled because they want to believe they are doing good work and are important. They are almost desperate to matter in this world and "fight the good fight." Unfortunately, their mechanism for justified belief (epistemology) is rather poor. I know and can recognize it because it reminds me so much of myself before I started really learning logical fallacies and about the human brain's desire to find meaning, even when there isn't any.

I'm not your enemy, and I'm not attacking you. I'm hoping you can do better in order to more effectively reach your goals of a peaceful world.

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