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RE: It's easy to debunk the pizzagate debunking...because they aren't even trying.

in #pizzagate7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for breaking it down in this way. For those who haven't spent time looking into this topic and who allowed the media coverup to convince them that it was 'fake news', pictures like those you posted here will hopefully make them think. There are of course lots more creepy pictures but the ones you posted along with the comments should be enough to get even the biggest skeptic asking questions.

It doesn't seem to matter how many stories of elites and senior politicians and even Presidents being involved in child abuse are printed (such as the one you hightlighted from 1989 which involved Bush and Reagan), people still cannot quite believe such things could happen. It's the old cognative dissonance thing again.

I wonder though whether the Planet Pizza thing was a setup to discredit the growing number of people who are starting to expose the very real problem of global trafficking of children for the super rich and powerful as well as the satanic ritual abuse.

Finally people are starting to take more notice of people like Cathy O'Brian although her wikipedia article is still has the conspiracy theorist label attached to it.


Thank you :)

I agree, those pictures should be enough to get most people scratching their head and wondering what the hell.
It's sad that some people prefer the comfort of a lie rather than the harsh truth, but eventually reality will win (or so I hope).

Cathy O'Brien, Brice Taylor, and all those subjugated are key players-- it's hard to ignore when several people tell the same story and reveal the same methods used.

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