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RE: Is #Pizzagate the story of the century or a Fools Errand?

in #pizzagate8 years ago

I would tend to agree with the skepticism, however this has been reported on for decades. There was the Franklin Credit Union investigation where the victim was put in prison for 4 years(received 15 years) for perjury..yes perjury! That sentence sent a shot over the bow to all victims to keep their mouths shut.

Nice post! Thanks for sharing.

We started PizzaGate-Trail to attract others from social media outlets that have been censored, and give a place for discussion. Right now, we are organizing to get out to those outlets and bring in those displaced by censorship. You can join us there and place your posts for curation there as well. This will be an interesting week for sure.


I saw that Franklin thing for the first time, recently. Pretty weird, and it's pretty weird I'm now just hearing about it. I guess I'm not so skeptical the abuse happens, but I am skeptical about the timing and narrative.

I agree with all your points to a leveland thanks for the critical thinking but in the UK we've seen this happening a lot. Over the past couple of years, we've had: SRA cases Hollie Greig, Melanie Shaw; Hampstead; Esther Baker (sounds like pedo sadists); Black case covered up or messed around. Media outlets like the UK Column have interviewed SRA barristers to try to raise public awareness about this (people can't handle the info) and brave therapists like Dr Rainer Kurz (surrently investigating a terrible cult and also a miscarriage of justice in which someone innocent has been set up for SRA and jailed when they were innocent - a fall guy for the cult as I understand it) trying desperately to raise awareness in academia (Rainer has calculated on the basis of his experience how many pedo sadists there are in Germany). Then there was Dutroux in Belgium. There are mega cases in France. Ben van der Brink in Holland had his daughters STOLEN (teens)by a Satanic cult that was supported by the state. Toos Nuienhuis alleged horrific cult abuse in's out of control in Europe. So for some of us who research these dark groups, Pizzagate is just the tip of the iceberg. Peace.

Mind you, on the timing and the narrative, you will find that SRA survivor from Omaha, David Shurter is convinced that this is a psy op - Hampstead and Pizzagate are being used:

I don't agree with David on this one but I usually agree with him - he is a very experienced man, having been raised by this cult to be the anti-Christ (unsuccessfully).

Just giving you the other side of the story so you can make your own mind up - peace.

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